
Item Description

The notes scribbled on the staff are jumbled and disorderly. Only the composer himself can, at a glance, make out the soul hidden therein.

Item Usage

Musicians often misplace their drafts during outbursts of emotion. If you straighten it out and return it to its owner, perhaps you will receive a new piece in return.

Item Obtain Approach

Event Stage drop, Event mission reward

Operations Item Drops From

First Time Drop

Stage Type Mission Sanity Drop Rate Sanity per Drop
Activity LE-1 9
Activity LE-2 9
Activity LE-3 12
Activity LE-4 12
Activity LE-5 18
Activity LE-6 21
Activity LE-7 21
Activity LE-8 10
Activity LE-EX-1 10
Activity LE-EX-2 10
Activity LE-EX-3 15
Activity LE-EX-4 15
Activity LE-EX-5 15
Activity LE-EX-6 15
Activity LE-EX-7 20
Activity LE-EX-8 20

Common Drop

Stage Type Mission Sanity Drop Rate Sanity per Drop
Activity LE-1 9
Activity LE-2 9
Activity LE-3 12
Activity LE-4 12
Activity LE-5 18
Activity LE-6 21
Activity LE-7 21
Activity LE-8 10