
Shield Photography Module

Lvl: 50
Trust: 100 (10,070 Points)
Availability: na
Equip Trait
SP recovery is slowed except when blocking enemies
Equip Attribute Bonuses
Stat Value
max_hp 250
atk 60
Unlock Information
Deal a total of 40,000 damage with Aurora (excluding Support Units)
Clear Main Theme 3-8 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Aurora, and have Aurora defeat Skullshatterer
Additional Information


Module Description

Maggy, I got your pictures, thank you. The aurora's so pretty, so... stunning. Sorry I can't find better words. I saw the other material you sent back from Rhodes Island too. That little yellow flower! I never knew flowers that pretty could grow in the extreme north, all the way in the ice deserts! It's unbelievable, really.
You suggested I should 'join the next exploration project as a supporting surveyor,' right? I've given serious thought to it. Not whether to go or not—I still have to stay on the landship at this stage so I can get Oripathy treatment. It's what help I would be if I did go. Mayer's said how under extreme cold conditions, your Soaring Dragon drones get their stability affected. I minored in research filming while I was studying at Ironforge Polytechnic, so I tried installing a set of production lenses on my shield, so it could handle photography and data storage roles at certain temperatures. I should be able to take my shield through more special terrain, compared to using drones, and use it for fundamental defense work. It can sort out the issue of stability, too.
Maggy, I admire you, with all my heart. While everyone only has the barest imagining of what such faraway places are like, you've gone deep into them, gotten a taste of all this fascinating scenery, felt the pulse of life. I once went with a survey group into the northern icefields and saw the aurora, and that was when I learned a really important lesson in life: not every place has snowy peaks like Kjerag, and protection like Kjeragandr's, but every place has its own beauty you can't explain with common sense. The Black Flow forests, the Ringed Plains with mountains all around... all these extreme landscapes have nothing to do with the supernatural, really. They're part of Terra in themselves. I can't help but wonder, just how—shallow and narrow everything we know and hear and think and believe about this great land is.
I want to see the aurora again more than anything else. I want to go and see the ice deserts. Not so I can prove anything—just because, well, 'I want to go and see.' Master SilverAsh is right. If we want to protect Kjerag, then we have to know just what kind of world it is we live in.
We can only better defend the homeland behind us if we're brave enough to explore onward. And besides, I have this sort of feeling, like the ice deserts, the poles, all these places full of hidden secrets far away already have a lot of eyes watching them...
So once I'm ready, Maggy, you can be sure I'll submit my application to the Doctor.
I eat... a little bigger, and I sleep more as well, but you don't need to worry, I promise. When it comes work time, I'll get down to it, believe me. I'm sure I'll be able to help you out.

—Extract from comms logs sent to Operator Magallan by Operator Aurora