
Originium Slug Race

Event Information

Event Name (CN) 源石虫赛跑
Event Max Choices 2
Event Gavial The Great Chief Returns - Event Page
You notice a group of barrens dwellers gathered around a cage of scrap iron and wood. The cage reads “Originium Slug Race,” and it would appear that the people here are betting on the creatures inside. A disfigured Liberi asks if you want to try your luck.

Event Notes

"Leaving" is always an available choice, while the result of each bet isn't visible until after making the choice.

Event Choices

Choice Text Bet on an Originium slug
Choice Description Lose 2 Originium Ingots.
Scene Dialogue A mysterious force compels you back to the betting stand.
Choice Text (CN) 选一只源石虫押注
Choice Description (CN) 消耗2源石锭
Scene Dialogue (CN) 一种奇妙的力量促使你重新回到了下注台前。
Choice Text One more time?
Choice Description Gain 1 Originium Ingot.
Scene Dialogue You place your bet on an Originium slug, and it squirms across the race in a totally normal manner. Though your slug is not the last to finish, you still lose.
Choice Text (CN) 再来一次?
Choice Description (CN) 获得1源石锭
Scene Dialogue (CN) 你选了一只源石虫,这只虫子很普通地跑完了全程,虽然不是最后一名,但你还是亏了。
Choice Text One more time?
Choice Description Gain 3 Originium Ingots.
Scene Dialogue You place your bet on an Originium slug. This agile critter slid past the competition and took a good ranking. Not bad, not bad!
Choice Text (CN) 再来一次?
Choice Description (CN) 获得3源石锭
Scene Dialogue (CN) 你选了一只源石虫,这只敏捷的虫子跑得飞快,获得了不错的名次,至少没亏!
Choice Text One more time?
Choice Description Gain 1 Objective HP.
Scene Dialogue You place your bet on an Originium slug. This angry-looking bug didn’t even participate in the match, instead walloping the other slugs present. The scene was very chaotic, much to your delight.
Choice Text (CN) 再来一次?
Choice Description (CN) 获得1目标生命
Scene Dialogue (CN) 你选了一只源石虫,这只暴躁的虫子并没有参与比赛,而是将在场的所有源石虫都打了一顿,场面一度非常混乱,你感到很开心。
Choice Text One more time?
Choice Description Gain a random collectible.
Scene Dialogue You place your bet on an Originium slug. The cunning creature takes first place by using shortcuts and other “unconventional” methods, allowing you to walk away with the grand prize of this competition.
Choice Text (CN) 再来一次?
Choice Description (CN) 获得一件随机收藏品
Scene Dialogue (CN) 你选了一只源石虫,这只虫子非常狡猾,它通过抄近道等作弊手段成为了第一名,你获得了这次比赛的奖品。
Choice Text One more time?
Scene Dialogue You place your bet on an Originium slug, but the fat creature was basically too lazy to move and lost the race without much fanfare.
Choice Text (CN) 再来一次?
Scene Dialogue (CN) 你选了一只源石虫,然而这只胖大的虫子基本上懒得动弹,毫无悬念地输掉了比赛。
Choice Text Pick up your stuff and leave
Choice Description Gain 5 Originium Ingots.
Scene Dialogue One of the people there accuses another of being a cheater, and soon the hurled insults turn into throwing fists. Chaos ensues.
Choice Text (CN) 随手拿点东西离开现场
Choice Description (CN) 获得5源石锭
Scene Dialogue (CN) 旁边的荒地人开始辱骂对方为“作弊者”,很快辱骂变成了拳脚相向,现场一片混乱。
Choice Text You guys are too dull
Choice Description Leave
Scene Dialogue You’ve been staring at the track for ten minutes, and these Originium slugs have only made it halfway around the track. You have more important things to do...
Choice Text (CN) 你们也太无聊了
Scene Dialogue (CN) 你盯着它们十分钟了,这些源石虫才爬了赛道的一半,你还有更重要的事情要做......