
EX Jeice (Red)

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Character Tier


Character Stats

Soul Boost
Power Level
HP 2,288,612
Strike ATK 212,911
Blast ATK 226,845
Strike DEF 142,565
Blast DEF 149,828
Ki Restore Speed

Character Info

Battle Style
Arts Cards Held


EX Jeice RED is a budget Fighter provided to all players courtesy of the Ginyu Force Special event,. EX Jeice RED is a Blast specialist, much like the Fighter he pairs best with, Golden Frieza GRN, Frieza Force’s best Fighter. EX Jeice covers his master’s weaknesses and can utterly decimate foes that underestimate his burst Damage potential.

However, the arrival of SP Goku Ginyu RED as a F2P Fighter cut EX Jeice RED off both Ginyu Force and Frieza Force.


Strong Mid-Game

EX Jeice RED is a Fighter that thrives early. He boasts a 45% Blast Damage Boost at Battle start, and he arguably becomes even stronger once one ally of his gets Defeated, since he basically replaces a 15% Blast Damage Buff with a +1 Arts Draw Speed and +30% Ki Recovery when that happens. This is a beneficial trade, since being able to use more Cards raises his average Damage output, and it’s also good for Dragon Balls gaining.


Weak Late Game

When he’s the Last Man Standing, he gets a +2 Arts Draw Speed Boost overall, but at that point his Blast Damage becomes too low, and anyway his Ki Recovery is too low to let him use all the Cards he manages to draw during a Combo.


SP Goku Ginyu RED overrides him in both Ginyu Force and Frieza Force, as he’s free and plain better as well.

Team Synergy

Ginyu Force

He's been decent for a while on this Team, but there is no reason to use him now that SP Goku Ginyu RED has been released for free.

Frieza Force

Just like for Ginyu Force, the presence of SP Goku Ginyu RED closed all the doors for the poor EX Jeice RED, which however still remains a great bench option if he's 5*.

Equippable Items

Main Ability

The Brench Elite Warrior

+40% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
Changes own Strike Arts Cards to Blast Arts Cards.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Red Magma of the Ginyu Force

The following effects occur per "Tag: Frieza Force" battle member when this character enters the battlefield:

+15% to Blast damage inflicted.
+10% to own Ki Recovery.
-2 to own Blast Arts cost.

Unbreakable Ginyu Force

+30% to own Ki Recovery per defeated battle member.
Also increases Arts Card Draw Speed by 1 level per defeated "Tag: Frieza Force" battle member.

Z Ability

+17% to "Tag: Frieza Force" base Blast Attack during battle. Character(s) Affected
+20% to "Tag: Frieza Force" base Blast Attack during battle. Character(s) Affected
+28% to "Tag: Frieza Force" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle. Character(s) Affected
+30% to "Tag: Frieza Force" base Blast Attack & Defense during battle. Character(s) Affected


Crusher Ball

Deals major Impact damage.
Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "-50% to Vanishing Gauge Recovery" for 15 timer counts on hit.

Cost 50


Fighting Pose

+20% to damage inflicted for 20 timer counts.

Cost 20



Soul Boost Stats

Stat 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% 698%
Health 19476 40336 71216 109916 158724 221552 294068
Strike Attack 1623 3359 5938 9167 13235 18483 24536
Blast Attack 1648 3409 6023 9302 13438 18762 24910
Strike Defense 1337 2766 4893 7554 10914 15237 20229
Blast Defense 1394 2883 5096 7866 11360 15860 21060
Critical 152 336 612 918 1254 1606 1968
Strike Art Level 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
Blast Art Level 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
Special Art Level 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Extra Art Level 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Equipment Slots 1 2 2 2 3 3 3

Recommended Soul Boosts