
EX Bardock (Yellow)

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Character Tier


Character Stats

Soul Boost
Power Level
HP 1,883,719
Strike ATK 187,081
Blast ATK 138,525
Strike DEF 126,781
Blast DEF 124,264
Ki Restore Speed

Character Info

Battle Style
Arts Cards Held


The first of his kind to revolt against Frieza, EX Bardock YEL won’t give up without a fight.

Unfortunately, his stats have been powercrept too much to remain viable. That isn’t to say he doesn’t have his uses, but they are pretty much limited to the bench or PVE friendship grinding.


Incredible Teachable Special Move

Even if he lacks PVP viability beyond the bench, his teachable Special Move makes EX Bardock YEL absolutely necessary to grind for friendship rank.

While this article explains exactly why his Special Move is so powerful, to summarize: the Damage is calculated by his Strike Attack--not Complex Damage--meaning that it isn’t lowered to an average between his Blast and Strike Attack stats while also gaining an immediate Buff to Special Move Damage.

The fact it’s teachable means HE Shallot LGT can put it to way more use.


Poor Stats

Even by Extreme Fighter standards, EX Bardock YEL has not aged well and can’t even really hold up well against newer EX Fighters.

This doesn’t keep him from being put on the bench, but it does limit him to a non-combat support role for more powerful Fighters.

Team Synergy

Yellow Color Counter

EX Bardock YEL has two Strike-centric stat Z-Ability Buffs right from the get-go, so he’s a perfect choice for the bench of a Melee Yellow Color Counter Team.

Equippable Items

Main Ability

Resisting Fate

Restores own health by 30% and Ki by 50.
Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Crisis: Ki Recovery UP

+50% to own Ki Recovery when 2 allies are defeated.

Team (Saiyan): Blast Atk UP

+15% to Blast damage inflicted when "Tag: Saiyan" is a battle member.

Character(s) Affected
Turtle Medal (Silver) +3

+3 to Turtle Medals (Silver) dropped during the Legends Road Event.
Active Period:<conv-datetime="2019/12/11 15:00"> - <conv-datetime="2019/12/25 15:00">

Z Ability

+17% to Element: YEL base Strike Attack and Defense during battle. Character(s) Affected
+20% to Element: YEL base Strike Attack and Defense during battle. Character(s) Affected
+22% to Element: YEL base Strike Attack and Defense during battle. Character(s) Affected
+23% to Element: YEL base Strike Attack and Defense during battle. Character(s) Affected


Revolt Pile Can Teach

Deals major Pierce damage.
+75% to own Special Move Arts power for 10 timer counts upon activation.

Cost 50


Unlock Ki: Form of Life

Restores own health by 15% & cancels own Abnormal Conditions.

Cost 25



Soul Boost Stats

Stat 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% 698%
Health 19284 39936 70512 108832 157152 219352 291144
Strike Attack 1623 3363 5942 9175 13255 18503 24563
Blast Attack 1585 3279 5791 8943 12919 18039 23947
Strike Defense 1348 2788 4921 7596 10977 15329 20353
Blast Defense 1316 2731 4823 7449 10763 15026 19950
Critical 158 348 634 952 1302 1668 2044
Strike Art Level 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
Blast Art Level 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
Special Art Level 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Extra Art Level 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Equipment Slots 1 2 2 2 3 3 3

Recommended Soul Boosts