
EX Super Saiyan Teen Trunks (Green)

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Character Tier


Character Stats

Soul Boost
Power Level
HP 2,068,796
Strike ATK 201,390
Blast ATK 230,738
Strike DEF 118,630
Blast DEF 124,043
Ki Restore Speed

Character Info

Battle Style
Arts Cards Held


EX SSJ Teen Trunks GRN fought valiantly against SP PF Cell RED in the Cell Saga Z and while he was still defeated, some of his nifty tricks have been brought to Dragon Ball Legends.

Eerily similar to his father EX SSJ Vegeta PUR, he is a pure glass-cannon with a large emphasis on Blast Attack. 


Re-newed Z-Ability

Hybrid Saiyans have now taken a turn towards Blast Attack Team builds, making his Z-Ability quite useful as a bench spot if the Player is missing a few other Fighters.

Excellent Main Ability

His Main Ability prevents substitutions for 5 timer counts and draws him a Blast Arts Card. This is a seriously effective tempo play that can give this Fighter a huge advantage, whether it’s a Color advantage or more Arts Cards to continue a Combo.


Unusable in PVP

On release, EX SSJ Teen Trunks GRN was a decent option to bring into a Match if need be. He’s now been power crept and can only be saved with a Balance Change.

Team Synergy

Ranged Hybrid Saiyan

He’s not usable on the core, but the heavy emphasis on Blast Attack make him a good bench for the top Hybrid Team in the game.

Equippable Items

Main Ability

Hidden Strength

Draw a Blast Arts card next.
Inflicts all enemies with "No Switching" for 5 timer counts.

Requirements: 15 timer counts must elapse.

Unique Ability

Intimidate: Sustained Blast Damage UP

Inflicts enemy with Attribute Downgrade "+20% to Blast Damage Received" for 20 timer counts when this character enters the battlefield.

Fate (Cell): Ki Recovery UP

+20% to own Ki Recovery for 15 timer counts when faced with enemy "Character: Cell".

Character(s) Affected
Yardrat Medal (Gold) +1

+1 to Yardrat Medals (Gold) dropped during the Legends Road - Super Saiyan Goku - Event.
Active Period:<conv-datetime="2020/01/22 15:00"> - <conv-datetime="2020/02/05 15:00">

Z Ability

+17% to "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" base Blast Attack during battle. Character(s) Affected
+20% to "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" base Blast Attack during battle. Character(s) Affected
+22% to "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" base Blast Attack during battle. Character(s) Affected
+23% to "Tag: Hybrid Saiyan" base Blast Attack during battle. Character(s) Affected


Double Buster

Deals major Impact damage.
+15% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts upon activation.

Cost 50


Unlock Ki: Rapid Blast Form

+15% to Blast damage inflicted for 15 timer counts.
-5 to own Blast Arts cost for 15 timer counts.

Cost 15



Soul Boost Stats

Stat 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% 698%
Health 19284 39936 70512 108832 157152 219352 291144
Strike Attack 1585 3279 5791 8943 12919 18039 23947
Blast Attack 1585 3279 5791 8943 12919 18039 23947
Strike Defense 1302 2699 4770 7367 10649 14870 19750
Blast Defense 1362 2823 4991 7712 11142 15557 20657
Critical 146 322 586 880 1204 1542 1890
Strike Art Level 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
Blast Art Level 2 3 4 5 5 5 5
Special Art Level 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Extra Art Level 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Equipment Slots 1 2 2 2 3 3 3

Recommended Soul Boosts