
Halloween Althemia

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Character Tier


A passionate researcher of black magic, Althemia had always longed to wear a vampire's garb, and spent many a night sewing this costume. It seems no change of outfit can hide her tendency to go all in on her passions.

CV Info - English CV Info - Japanese
Tabitha St. Germain Kana Ueda
Diametric Vampire
Obtainable as a 4

Character Stats

MAX HP 943


Dressing up for the occasion, Halloween Althemia retains some of her former offensive capabilities in the form of Bitter Trick, an AoE attack that also heals.  This skill proves especially effective against groups of enemies, as she recovers health based on the total amount of damage Althemia dishes out.


Offensive Healer

While most healers would expect to be relegated to a purely supportive role, Halloween Althemia brings a punch to her attacks with her “Full HP = Strength +10%” Ability, which is manageable to maintain thanks to her health restoring skills.

Bitter Trick also adds to her offensive arsenal by providing an AoE attack that also regenerates 5% HP of damage inflicted, making it useful against large mobs of enemies.

100% Curse Resistance

Halloween Althemia is dependant on her skills to both support her team and maintain her Full HP passive. Thus, 100% Curse resistance is extremely potent on her, preventing her from being disabled in content like Zordiak Trials.

Bitter Trick

The main selling point of Halloween Althemia versus other Light healers is the Bitter Trick. It provides her with an AoE damage skill against enemies while healing herself in the process.

Bitter Trick especially shines against waves of enemies such as Imperial Onslaught, where she might find herself overwhelmed by enemies.


Lack of further supportive utility

Unless equipped her with an applicable staff, Halloween’s support capacity is limited to only healing, making her a rather selfish healer in this regard compared to others who also cure ailments or provide buffs for their teammates.

Bitter Trick’s melee AoE range

While Bitter Trick can be used in a pinch when surrounded by enemies, it forces Halloween Althemia to be in melee range to utilize this skill.

Dragon Recommendations

Jeanne d’Arc If solely focus on Althemia’s supportive capacities, Jeanne d’Arc provides one of the strongest HP boosts out of any Light Dragon. Saint’s Banner also aids in that regard, increasing the defense of Althemia’s teammates by 25-30% for 15 seconds.

Halloween Silke: Halloween Silke takes advantage of Althemia’s offensive capabilities as a healer, providing her with both an HP and ATK increase. Pumpkin Prank’s effect of reducing the enemy’s strength by 10-15% also allows Althemia to support her teammates further while transformed.

Jupiter Though less capable compared to Halloween Silke’s abilities, as a Story Dragon, Jupiter is still a solid option for those who do not have any summonable Light dragons.

Weapon Recommendations

Beauty's Balm: Should one be on a budget, Beauty’s Balm makes for an effective 4-star staff, with its Beautiful Healing skill allowing Althemia to further support her party.

Wyrmprint Recommendations

Like other healers, Halloween Althemia benefits most from Wyrmprints that increase her Healing Potency or has the Skill Haste effect.

Shared Skill

Sweet Treat
Lvl 2 Restores HP to all allies, and increases the entire team's strength by 10% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
Lvl 3 Restores HP to all allies, and increases the entire team's strength by 15% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
Lvl 4 Restores HP to all allies, removes curses, and increases the entire team's strength by 15% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
SP Cost 8874 Iframe Medium
Unlock Materials
Cost 5 Level 1


Skill 1

Sweet Treat
Lvl 1 Restores HP to all allies, and increases the entire team's strength by 8% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
Lvl 2 Restores HP to all allies, and increases the entire team's strength by 10% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
Lvl 3 Restores HP to all allies, and increases the entire team's strength by 15% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
Lvl 4 Restores HP to all allies, removes curses, and increases the entire team's strength by 15% for 60 seconds. This strength increase will not stack.
SP Cost 5916 Iframe Medium

Skill 2

Bitter Trick
Lvl 1 Deals light damage to surrounding enemies, and restores the user's HP by 4% of damage inflicted.
Lvl 2 Deals light damage to surrounding enemies, and restores the user's HP by 5% of damage inflicted.
Lvl 3 Deals light damage to surrounding enemies, and restores all teammates' HP by 8% of damage inflicted. This recovery caps at 30% of their maximum HP.
SP Cost 9662 Iframe Medium


Ability 1

Skill Prep +50%

Fills 50% of skill gauges at the start of quests.

Upgrades To
Skill Prep +75%

Fills 75% of skill gauges at the start of quests.

Upgrades To
Skill Prep +100% & Skill Charge

Fills 100% of skill gauges at the start of quests. Using a skill fills skill gauges by 5%.


Ability 2

Curse Res +50%

Reduces susceptibility to curses by 50%.

Upgrades To
Curse Res +100%

Reduces susceptibility to curses by 100%.

Upgrades To
Potent Curse Res +100%

Reduces susceptibility to curses by 100%. When the user is hit by an attack that would have cursed them, their strength is increased by 15% for 10 seconds. After activating, this buff will not activate again for 15 seconds.


Ability 3

Full HP = Strength +10%

Increases strength by 10% when HP is full.

Upgrades To
Full HP = Strength +20%

Increases strength by 20% when HP is full.



Recovery Potency +6%

Increases the potency of recovery skills by 6%. Benefits your whole team.

Show Upgrades

Increases the potency of recovery skills by 8%. Benefits your whole team.

Increases the potency of recovery skills by 10%. Benefits your whole team.

Increases the potency of recovery skills by 14%. Benefits your whole team.

Increases the potency of recovery skills by 20%. Benefits your whole team.

Co-Ability Chain

(Light) Paralysis = User Critical Rate +7%

If a team member is attuned to (Light): increases their critical rate by 7% for 15 seconds when they successfully paralyze an enemy. After activating, this ability will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.

Show Upgrades

If a team member is attuned to (Light): increases their critical rate by 7% for 15 seconds when they successfully paralyze an enemy. After activating, this ability will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.

If a team member is attuned to (Light): increases their critical rate by 9% for 15 seconds when they successfully paralyze an enemy. After activating, this ability will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.

If a team member is attuned to (Light): increases their critical rate by 9% for 15 seconds when they successfully paralyze an enemy. After activating, this ability will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.

If a team member is attuned to (Light): increases their critical rate by 12% for 15 seconds when they successfully paralyze an enemy. After activating, this ability will not activate again for 10 seconds. Benefits your whole team.

Total Materials Required

Mana Circle 1

Total Materials



Mana x 350

Mana x 450

Mana x 350
Adventurer Story Unlock

Mana x 450

Mana x 350
Force Strike

Mana x 500

Mana x 450

Mana x 200

Mana Circle 2

Total Materials

Unbind Materials



Mana x 1,550

Mana x 1,250

Mana x 1,549
Adventurer Story Unlock

Mana x 1,250

Mana x 1,550

Mana x 1,250

Mana x 1,550
Adventurer Story Unlock

Mana x 1,250

Mana x 1,550

Mana Circle 3

Total Materials

Unbind Materials



Mana x 2,800

Mana x 3,400

Mana x 2,800

Mana x 3,400

Mana x 2,800
Adventurer Story Unlock

Mana x 3,400

Mana x 2,800

Mana x 3,400

Mana Circle 4

Total Materials

Unbind Materials



Mana x 4,000

Mana x 5,000
Force Strike (Upgrade 2)


Mana x 4,000

Mana x 5,000

Mana x 4,000

Mana x 5,000

Mana x 4,000

Mana Circle 6

Total Materials

Unbind Materials


STR+3 HP+5

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+5

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+5

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+3 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+4 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+4 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
STR+4 HP+6

Mana x 16,000
Standard Attack Level Increase