
Claíomh Solais

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Obtainable as a 6

Weapon Stats


Weapon Descriptions

The king was dead. Peace had come to the world. Yet he wailed his lamentation to the skies. His king had been murdered by those people. By justice. By peace. The world left behind was but another abyss in which he must dwell.

Weapon Skill

Mag Mell
Lvl 1 Increases the user's strength by 10% until the next time this skill is used. The second time this skill is used, it will deal damage to surrounding enemies once, and if the attack connects, it will instead fill the dragon gauge once and increase skill gauge fill rate by 8% until the skill is next used. The skill will then alternate between these two effects with every use.
Lvl 2 Increases the user's strength by 40% until the next time this skill is used. The second time this skill is used, it will deal damage to surrounding enemies once, and if the attack connects, it will instead fill the dragon gauge once and increase skill gauge fill rate by 10% until the skill is next used. The skill will then alternate between these two effects with every use.