
Future Events (Gala Sarisse)

When will the next event come out that was similar to the Gala Sarisse summon. Meaning with extreme increased rates for all 5 stars. I thought they were suppose to come out every month or every other month. Any thoughts? Thanks

Asked by bcooney17845 years 1 month ago


They're supposed to come out every other month. The last one was in the middle of January so the next one will probably be after this event ends!

by 3DEric 5 years 1 month ago

We still can't know about the frecuency of that baners. Personally, i think that provably they try to use that banners every 2 months (the 1st or 2nd weekend of March should be the 2nd Gala Dragalia).

But, you should think twice about the concept of that baners. The "extreme" increased rates are pretty bad if you try to focus to any new character... It's not as good as it seems...

It's not true, we know that these banners are every two months. They said it during the last Gala.

It's a pretty good banner because the rates are up, and many people don't have every Dragons/adventurer in the game, so it's easy to go and get more of them. It's really good. And it's possible to get Sarisse and the new Gala character, so it's a good thing.