
Floral Revolution

Lvl 1 Summons "Crimson Garden," then deals damage to enemies directly ahead. Additional bonus damage will be dealt relative to the damage taken while Crimson Garden is active. If the user's HP is above 60% of max HP when using this skill, they will take damage equal to 20% of their maximum HP.
Lvl 2 Summons "Crimson Garden," then deals damage to enemies directly ahead. Additional bonus damage will be dealt relative to the damage taken while Crimson Garden is active. If the user's HP is above 60% of max HP when using this skill, they will take damage equal to 20% of their maximum HP.
Lvl 3 Summons "Crimson Garden," then deals damage to enemies directly ahead. Additional bonus damage will be dealt relative to the damage taken while Crimson Garden is active. If the user's HP is above 60% of max HP when using this skill, they will take damage equal to 20% of their maximum HP.

Adventurers with Skill