
Stunning Display

Lvl 1 Deals damage to enemies directly ahead, draws them together, increases the entire team's energy levels, and activates "Skill Shift" if the attack connects. This Skill Shift will cycle through a total of three phases.
Lvl 2 Deals damage to enemies directly ahead, draws them together, inflicts stun, increases the entire team's energy levels, and activates "Skill Shift" if the attack connects. This Skill Shift will cycle through a total of three phases.
Lvl 3 Deals damage to enemies directly ahead, draws them together, inflicts stun, increases the entire team's energy levels, and activates "Skill Shift" if the attack connects. This Skill Shift will cycle through a total of three phases.
Lvl 4 Deals damage to enemies directly ahead, draws them together, dispels one buff from each target, inflicts stun and paralysis, increases the entire team's energy levels, and activates "Skill Shift" if the attack connects. This Skill Shift will cycle through a total of three phases.

Adventurers with Skill