
Dragon's Nest

Table of Contents

Obtainable as a 3

Wyrmprint Stats


Wyrmprint Descriptions

1...How's that? You came upon a copse of broken trees while wandering the forest? Ha ha ha! That's a dragon's nest!
2...Are there really dragons around here? Of COURSE there are! Why else would there be a nest? ...Pffft! Aaah ha ha! Sorry, sorry. I'm just kidding. The whole "dragon's nest" business is just a superstition around here.
3There aren't REALLY dragons around here. We just call it a dragon's nest whenever beasts run around breaking trees. It's kind of a running jo... Huh? What do you mean, you ACTUALLY saw a dragon?
4You're not kidding with me about the dragon thing, right? Because I heard there WERE dragons here once, back when my granny was young. But who knows if that's true?
5If you're telling the truth, maybe what you saw really WAS a dragon's nest. It's said that living things grow well in forests where dragons reside, so this is really good news. Thanks for letting me know!


Ability 1

Shapeshift Prep +8% Fills 8% of the dragon gauge at the start of quests. (Max: 10%)
Upgrades To
Shapeshift Prep +9% Fills 9% of the dragon gauge at the start of quests. (Max: 10%)
Upgrades To
Shapeshift Prep +10% Fills 10% of the dragon gauge at the start of quests. (Max: 10%)
Ability Group: Shapeshift Prep Max Boost: 10%
Other Wyrmprints That Boost This Stat