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  • Aloof Lifeguard Sez
Max CP16762
A living weapon, the cynical Berserker
Ridiculous Answer
Ridiculous Answer
Dispatch Mission:
All Missions
Specialty Effect:
Time Required +5%
A cynical and quiet man, Sez Gaien is a living weapon known to many as "the Berserker." After gaining power from an Acolyte to escape the Homunculus experiments, he was branded a mass murderer and has been running ever since.

Table of Contents

Hero Stats

Hero CP: 16762
HP 6266
ATK 1228
SPD 113
DEF 473
Crit Hit Chance Crit Hit DMG Dual Atk Chance
21.00% 150.00% 5.00%
Effectiveness Effect Resist
0.00% 0.00%
Imprint Release

+Attack %
SSS : +10.8% SS : +9% S : +7.2% A : +5.4% B : +3.6%
Imprint Concentration

+Critical Hit Chance %
SSS : +16.8% SS : +14% S : +11.2% A : +8.4% B : +5.6%
*Red tiles mark the effective area of a Devotion Skill.

Hero Tags


One-trick Nuke

This build is optimized heavily for PvP, though it can also be used for farming and bosses that have lower HP teammates.

Something to note here is that users may want use SPD or ATK boots depending on the speed of the other DPS in the team. Make sure that Sez does not go before your other damage dealer.

This build prioritizes the power of his S3, further enhanced by Wind Rider which will give him increased ATK if the second part of his S3 is proced. If Wind Rider is not an option, Exorcist’s Tonfa is a good second choice as the extra damage will come in handy given that the target for his S3 is above 50% HP. While Dust Devil is a decent choice for PvE, keep in mind that it is not optimal in PvP due to it’s low proc chance.

When starting a battle, have the second DPS target an enemy unit that it can bring down to Sez’s S3 kill range.


CritC %
Atk %
CritC %
Atk %
CritD %


Upgrade Priority

Early Mid Late
+1 +2 +4
+2 +3 +3
+3 +4 +5



Tenebria and Bellona can be replaced with other fast Aoe or Single-target DEF break units.

This team works around giving Sez an attack buff while applying DEF break and softening the enemy team as much as possible.

Rose should be built as fast as possible to take the first turn. She should start with Goddess of Victory (S3), giving everyone a CR boost and ATK boost. The CR boost should allow the def break units to go next, inflicting DEF break onto as many units as possible and dealing enough damage to weaken but not kill.

At this point, Sez should have plenty of options to guarantee a kill with his S3 on his turn. If possible, target the most dangerous DPS on the enemy team as this team composition is squishy and can be countered if the fight does not end quickly. After netting a kill with the first part of his S3, Wind Rider will proc and grant Sez even more damage. The Wind Rider proc, ATK boost from Rose, and DEF break from the other units should be enough to kill most of the enemy team.

Table of Contents



Sez is an indespensable Hero for beginners, but can shine even through mid and late game with the correct team composition. His Conviction (S3) is a powerful nuke that can quickly end fights, but to use it to its full potential means he would be sacrificing Speed. He is also efficient in leveling fodders and farming for catalysts due to his cleave.

However, the conditions for Encroach (S2) means that he will need a few turns to reach his power spike, or needs to be compensated by his team. It also makes him weak against bosses with high HP.



If procced, Sez’s S2 is useful for farming and in cleave teams.

S2 has the chance of inflicting anti-heal to all enemy units.

Unhealable debuff

Both Dark Shadow (S1) and S2 can inflict the unhealable status which is an uncommon debuff and is valuable in certain fights and bosses.

Keep in mind that S2 has a lower chance of inflicting anti-heal than S1.

AoE nuke

Sez’s S3 is one of the most powerful nukes in the game, with even more damage if souburned.

The damage from the AoE part of his S3 scales with his ATK as well as any additional ATK gained from artifacts, and can leave a huge dent on the enemy team. It should be noted that this does not scale with critical hit damage.

Keep in mind that even if an enemy unit has low HP, a high defense may prevent S3 from killing.

Keep in mind that high Defense can protect foes with deceptively low HP.



Sez lacks any form of survivability, even stealth. Combined with a low Defense stat that is characteristic of most thieves, this makes him an easy target for enemy DPS.

Low damage on early turns

Sez can fill in the roles of both single-target and AoE damage, but this also means that most characters dedicated to either single-target or AoE damage will outperform him.

Because of the conditions needed for Sez’s S2 to proc, he will need to take a few turns to gain his power spike by himself.

To avoid low damage on early turns, he is best paired with a single target DPS (or AoE DPS if the enemy team has a squishy unit). His speed should be adjusted so that he goes after other DPS units, but this puts him at a speed disadvantage.

Very situational usage

If you are considering running a speed set on Sez, keep in mind that this will decrease the damage of his S3 nuke as it scales from his ATK stat.

Due to his conditional power spike, Sez is weak against high HP bosses even with other DPS units.

Sez’s unhealable debuff will lose its value when fighting against teams with Soul Weavers with debuff cleanse built into their heal skill. It should be noted that the unhealable debuff only lasts for one turn, so it can easily wear off against enemies or bosses that takes multiple turns.

Table of Contents


Skill 1: Dark Shadow
0 Turns
+1 Souls
Penetrates the enemy with dark energy, with a 50% chance to make them unhealable for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of the enemy's lost Health.

Penetrates the enemy with dark energy, making the enemy unhealable for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of the enemy's lost Health.
Skill Enhance
Effects and Multipliers
Skill 2: Encroach
0 Turns
+0 Souls
When the enemy's Health is 50% or less after attacking with Dark Shadow, activates Encroach. Encroach can only be activated once per turn of the caster.

Encroach (Acquire 1 Soul): Releases dark power to attack all enemies, with a 50% chance to make them unhealable for 1 turn.

Skill Enhance
Effects and Multipliers
Skill 3: Conviction
6 Turns
+3 Souls
Inflicts lethal damage to the enemy, dealing damage proportional to the enemy's lost Health. When the enemy dies, inflicts additional damage to all enemies proportional to the caster's Attack.

Soul Burn Effect
-20 Souls

Increases damage dealt.
Skill Enhance
Effects and Multipliers
Ridiculous Answer
Dispatch Mission: All Missions
Specialty Effect: Time Required +5%


Attack +3% Attack +20 / Health +60

Frost Rune
Health +3% Attack +20 / Health +60

Frost Rune

Greater Frost Rune
Critical Hit Chance +8% Attack +30 / Health +80

Greater Frost Rune

Epic Frost Rune
Attack +6% Attack +30 / Health +80

Epic Frost Rune

Erikion Carapace
Health +6% Attack +30 / Health +80

Epic Frost Rune

Black Curse Powder
Dark Shadow
Penetrates the enemy with dark energy, with a 50% chance to make them unhealable for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of the enemy's lost Health.
Ability Upgrade
Penetrates the enemy with dark energy, making the enemy unhealable for 1 turn. Damage dealt increases proportional to the amount of the enemy's lost Health.
Stat Increase
Attack +20 / Health +60

Frost Rune

Greater Frost Rune

Campsite Stats

Campsite Topic

Sad Memory
Reality Check