
FEH Content Update: 10/29/17 - Trick or Defeat


Content Update Summary

  • Trick or Defeat Heroes
  • Paralogue 14

New Unit Stats

Content Update Album

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Content Update Text

New Missions

MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_TITLE: Armored Mastery
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A1: Tower: 3rd Stratum
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A1: Use a team of armored allies to clear the Third Stratum of the Training Tower.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A2: Clear P5-1
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A2: Use a team of armored allies to clear Paralogue 5: Part 1.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A3: Tower: 5th Stratum
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A3: Use a team of armored allies to clear the Fifth Stratum of the Training Tower.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A4: Clear P5-2 on Hard
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A4: Use a team of armored allies to clear Paralogue 5: Part 2 on Hard.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A5: Tower: 7th Stratum
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A5: Use a team of armored allies to clear the Seventh Stratum of the Training Tower.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A6: Clear P8-2 on Lunatic
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A6: Use a team of armored allies to clear Paralogue 8: Part 2 on Lunatic.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A7: Tower: 9th Stratum
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A7: Use a team of armored allies to clear the Ninth Stratum of the Training Tower.
MID_MISSION_S201711BIND01_A8: Clear P8-3 on Lunatic
MID_MISSION_H_S201711BIND01_A8: Use a team of armored allies to clear Paralogue 8: Part 3 on Lunatic.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_TITLE: Bound Hero Battle
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A1: Clear Bound Hero Battle
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A1: With Sharena on your team, win the Bound Hero Battle against Alm & Celica.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A2: Clear Bound Hero Battle

MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A2: With Alfonse on your team, win the Bound Hero Battle against Alm & Celica on Lunatic or higher.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A3: Defeat Alm
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A3: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Alm with Sharena.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA01_A4: Defeat Celica
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA01_A4: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Celica with Alfonse.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_TITLE: Bound Hero Battle
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A1: Clear Bound Hero Battle
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A1: With Alfonse on your team, win the Bound Hero Battle against Cecilia & Lilina.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A2: Clear Bound Hero Battle
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A2: With Sharena on your team, win the Bound Hero Battle against Cecilia & Lilina on Lunatic or higher.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A3: Defeat Cecilia
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A3: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Cecilia with Alfonse.
MID_MISSION_S201711KIZUNA02_A4: Defeat Lilina
MID_MISSION_H_S201711KIZUNA02_A4: Defeat Lvl 40 or higher Lilina with Sharena.

Paralogue 14

MID_CHAPTER_TITLE_CX013: Paralogue 14
MID_CHAPTER_CX013: Trick or Defeat!
MID_STAGE_TITLE_X0131: Paralogue 14-1
MID_STAGE_TITLE_X0132: Paralogue 14-2
MID_STAGE_TITLE_X0133: Paralogue 14-3
MID_STAGE_X0131: Creatures of the Night
MID_STAGE_X0132: Treat-Seeking Mischief
MID_STAGE_X0133: Trick or Treat!
MID_STAGE_TITLE_ST_X0012: Paralogue 13
MID_STAGE_TITLE_ST_X0013: Paralogue 14
MID_STAGE_TITLE_ST_X1013: P. 13 & 14
MID_CHAPTER_ST_CX007: P. 13 & 14
MID_STAGE_HONOR_V0101: Special Skills
MID_STAGE_V0101: Part 1

New Weapons and Skills

MSID猫の暗器: Kitty Paddle
MSID猫の暗器+: Kitty Paddle+
MSIDグリモワール: Grimoire
MSIDゴーストの魔道書: Spectral Tome
MSIDゴーストの魔道書+: Spectral Tome+
MSID金剛明鏡の一撃1: Bracing Blow 1
MSID金剛明鏡の一撃2: Bracing Blow 2
MSID明鏡の構え1: Warding Stance 1
MSID明鏡の構え2: Warding Stance 2
MSID明鏡の構え3: Warding Stance 3
MSID攻撃魔防の絆1: Atk/Res Bond 1
MSID攻撃魔防の絆2: Atk/Res Bond 2
MSID攻撃魔防の絆3: Atk/Res Bond 3
MSID暗器の技量1: Dagger Valor 1
MSID暗器の技量2: Dagger Valor 2
MSID暗器の技量3: Dagger Valor 3
MSIDH骨の弓: Effective against fliers. After combat, bonuses become penalties on all foes within 2 spaces through foe's next action.
MSIDH骨の弓+: Effective against fliers. After combat, bonuses become penalties on all foes within 2 spaces through foe's next action.
MSIDH猫の暗器: Effective against foe using magic. After combat, if foe uses magic, foe suffers Def/Res-5 through foe's next action.
MSIDH猫の暗器+: Effective against foe using magic. After combat, if foe uses magic, foe suffers Def/Res-7 through foe's next action.
MSIDHグリモワール: If unit has ≥ 50% HP, unit can move to a space adjacent to an ally within 2 spaces.
MSIDHゴーストの魔道書: After combat, bonuses become penalties on all foes within 2 spaces through foe's next action.
MSIDHゴーストの魔道書+: After combat, bonuses become penalties on all foes within 2 spaces through foe's next action.
MSIDH金剛明鏡の一撃1: Grants Def/Res+2 during combat if unit initiates combat.
MSIDH金剛明鏡の一撃2: Grants Def/Res+4 during combat if unit initiates combat.
MSIDH明鏡の構え1: Grants Res+2 during combat when this unit is attacked.
MSIDH明鏡の構え2: Grants Res+4 during combat when this unit is attacked.
MSIDH明鏡の構え3: Grants Res+6 during combat when this unit is attacked.
MSIDH攻撃魔防の絆1: Grants Atk/Res+3 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.
MSIDH攻撃魔防の絆2: Grants Atk/Res+4 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.
MSIDH攻撃魔防の絆3: Grants Atk/Res+5 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.
MSIDH暗器の技量1: If unit survives and uses a dagger, unit gets 1.5x SP. (If similar skill effects also used, only highest multiplier applied.)
MSIDH暗器の技量2: If unit survives, all dagger users on team get 1.5x SP. (If similar skill effects also used, only highest multiplier applied.)
MSIDH暗器の技量3: If unit survives, all dagger users on team get 2x SP. (If similar skill effects also used, only highest multiplier applies.)