Boon+ Res Bane - Spd

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

This build is made to maximize Hector's player phase and to ensure he fulfills the tank role to the max by protecting his allies from scary blows, though it requires premium fodder, I assure you that the results are absolutely massive. Not only is this good for PvP modes like Arena and Aether Raids, but it also absolutely demolishes 80% of the PVE content, yes, even the harder ones (Unless maybe for units with Null Follow-Up but let's be honest we already know that).

Maltet's Refine is absolutely needed to get the best results with this build thanks to all the effects it provides.

For his Assist you can use a Positional Assist or a Rally Assist for Arena Scoring. I tend to use Reposition but you can use whatever you feel like using.

In this build we use Sol, though it's a flexible choice depending on what you want. You need some extra damage to accompany that healing? Get Aether, but be mindful of itss longer charge which means less healing than with Sol in *most* cases, but not all of them. You want maximum damage efficiency and to get rid of threats faster? Get Bonfire, but you won't have much in terms of sustain which can be a problem when facing many enemies at once in enemy phase which Hector loves to do.

As an A skill we use Ostian Counter for obvious reasons, but now there's an extra incentive with the C skill we're going to use.

For the B skill Special Fighter is just the perfect fit for him, it makes his charge rate even faster and it slows the enemies' charge at the same time. It's a bit of an investment, but thanks to the 4 star focus it's easier to get thanks to Brave Ephraim. If for some reason you don't have it, you can use Vengeful Fighter instead, it's not even near the greatness but it fulfills the role of charging Hector's special on enemy phase.

Now, here's the main dish of the build: C skill, A/R Far Save. Now, this skill is absolutely nuts and it allows for so much freedom for your other units. Oh? You want to give your Hector heals and support but there's that pesky archer that one-shots you? No worries, Hector can take care of that. Oh? You decided to be a bit risky and kill a unit but you're still in range for that Lynja? Don't worry, Hector's already here to save you. It also allows you to manipulate the AI if you're the Player, because it makes the enemy position badly due to the AI not registering that they're going to get blocked by Hector.

This skill is so good I even gave it two paragraphs. It allows your other units to be wilder with positioning (as long as they're not in spaces that Hector cannot go, so be mindful of your fliers) while also giving Hector a noticeable damage boost and some needed resistance boost for those dangerous mages, making his enemy phase near unbeatable. Now, as good as this is, it has its setbacks. For one, it could potentially make your Hector tank hits he should otherwise avoid taking (But that isn't very often), and, as much as you can protect yourself from ranged attacks, those melee units will still be a threat, so ALWAYS focus on them first with the rest of your team in Player Phase so that Hector will take care of the rest in Enemy phase. And the major setback is that this skill is still only present on V!Henriette which is a special unit, thankfully my Henriette got bad IVs so I foddered her off without much thought, but for those who do want to use her this build might be a bit of a massive investment.

As an alternative you could run A/D Near Save. It isn't as fantastic for ally positioning as Far Save is, but there's always exceptions.

Finally, for a Sacred Seal we can run whatever we feel like. But if you want to absolutely maximize your ranged tanking then Distant Def is perfect. However, if you need more sustain than ranged tanking, you can use Mystic Boost. Maybe you can use even Atk Smoke 3. If you need mixed tanking you can use the Stance Sacred Seals. As I said, there's plenty of flexibility for this part of the build so be creative.