
Legendary Claude

Boon+ Atk Bane - HP

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

Weapon: Failnaught

Assist: Positional Assist

Special: Deadeye / Luna

Passive A: Sturdy Impact / Mirror Impact

Passive B: Fallen Star

Passive C: Spd/Def Rein / Pulse Smoke

Sacred Seal: ATK/SPD Solo 3 / Iote's Shield

Legendary Claude doesn't require much work to be good, seeing his busted abilities, but improvements can greatly improve consistency and annoying people in PVP and Aether Raids.

Failnaught is an excellent weapon, a positional assist on a flying unit is great for mobility and Luna certainly isn't bad, but Deadeye is one of, if not the best special in the game.

Instead of the inconsistent ATK/SPD Catch he brought to the table, we're showing the king of Unification the ways of Impact culture, to amplify the effectiveness of this super tank. With the way of Sturdy Impact in particular, the defense of Claude rises to deal with pesky bows that may affect him if not using Iote's shield for ATK/DEF Solo 3, which adds even more Defense.

Fallen Star has an amazing 80% damage reduction on the first hit of the interaction, then gives that effect for the first combat in the enemy phase. With the way of Mirror or Sturdy Impact, the enemy cannot double when Claude attacks them, so the only attack that connects is the one afflicted by Fallen Star.

The C slot he has works very well, ridding people of SPD to double his excellent SPD during enemy phase, unless using a brave like weapon or a way to nullify buffs, but you can choose to run Time's pulse in its place. This deals with his one big counter, being Deadeye.

Being a Flier, the Natural Response to a Sacred Seal is Iote's Shield. You can't really go wrong with Iote's shield, but Claude will perform significantly better with ATK/DEF Solo 3.