Boon+ Atk Bane - Spd

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

Orson is an interesting unit, maybe not too interesting in the battle department, since we have already enough slow lance cavalry units (I still don't know why he is a lance unit, when in the game he is from he wields a runesword, but I'll admit his lance looks cool), but in his story, he is quite an interesting character, one whose story is tainted by tragedy and madness, so, seeing he doesn't get much attention when his story and his artwork are so cool feels really bad.

His bereft lance forces him to play alone, so, he will be a unit that strives with this playstyle. We'll run him as a suicide lead. He will try to deal with dangerous units on the first turns of battle. Because of this, he will run atk/def ideal and atk/def menace, the +15 to Atk/def will allows him to deal with dangerous units in the opponent's team. In the best case scenario, Orson will deal a lot of damage, survive a phisical hit and then deal a second one, activating the galeforce and allowing him to defeat another unit while he keeps that boost to atk. Quick riposte is key for this to work, after all, he is quite a slow unit, so, activating galeforcve would be difficult on that first turn.

Returning to his weapon, bereft lance will boost his atk/def +6, leaving his atk at 78 or 84 effective atk against the one that was debuffed by the menace skill, quite an impressive number, and since he will be in a solo condition, he will neutralize the opponent's buffs (this allows him to proc heavy blade even against heavy hitters.)

I guess this unit doesn't stand out too much, but thanks to his bereft lance, I feel he has some niche he can have, and that allows him to shine a bit. After all, the victory could be paved in this madman's contribution, and for a unit like this, that's quite a deal