
New Year Gunnthrá

Boon+ Def Bane - Spd

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

NY! Gunthra is a really powerful debuffer, which makes her an interesting unit to use with units that can profit from those debuffs (in general, plegian-like weapons like grima's truth or weapons that buff you depending on the enemy debuffs). This is partially thanks to her prf weapon, Hikami, which acts similarly to the menace skills, but does not boost your stats, and it's an omnidebuff -4.

Now that we know her role in our team, we know that skills that allow her to debuff the enemy will be pretty important for her, and as such, we'll run her with ruse skills (I decide atk/res because I was thinking to pair her with the plegian torch Thrasir I made a few days ago, but if you want to use a phisical plegian weapon, like plegian axe, Atk/def ruse will be the one to go). Having a ruse skill, will force us to run a rally skill. This one is up to preference, but usually atk/spd+ is the most useful, since it can allow units with mediocre speed or units that run brave weapons (and as such, have a speed penalty) to double or quad in case of brave weapons.

Gunnthra's defenses aren't exactly the best, so, in any combat with a unit she will probably die. However, Hikami's debuff can patch a bit this, and since her potential threats will be usually ranged units that will try to kill her without touching your plegian unit, with distant def 7, you should be able to stand any attack, be it magical or phisical (archer might prove a bit more problematic, but 45/43 defenses against ranged units is somewhat bulky, and sacred cowl will make it even easier to survive them).

And for the C skill, you can either run her with atk/spd rein to make her more bulky herself, or use a threat skill (or even a menace skill, specially atk/def menace to give her more bulk, but it depends on the unit she is supporting).

However, this distant def skills are there because this unit has high atk that you might want to use for combat from time to time. In case you plan on making her purely support and don't plan to use her good attack stat, you can run def/res fortress for more reliable bulk and taking an atk bane instead of a spd one like I did (since hikami's boost to speed mitigates it).