
Hero Stats

HP 41
ATK 52
SPD 44
DEF 30
RES 22
Boon+ Spd Bane - Res

Skill Set

Hero Build Overview/Explanation

She has so much speed and attack during combat that Repel's extra effect never comes into play, close call works out much better and works well with more teams total, now if taking on large tanks or units of opposing color, Repel comes to seem more useful but overall the damage reduction on both of them is always helpful as it scales off of her incredible speed.

Other than that her base kit is so good nothing other than a preferred movement skill is needed. Since her weapon reduces her cool down to 1 skills like Heavy or Flashing Blade are relatively useless unless fighting effects such as Guard so unless one would want to increase offensive stats with a seal such as Swift Sparrow I find Quickened Pulse the most useful for a turn 1 special ready and a potential 2 specials per combat.