ID | 1006 |
Cost | 9 |
Rarity | 4 |
Base HP | 600 |
Max HP | 2,250 |
Base ATK | 0 |
Max ATK | 0 |
Increase NP Gauge by 4% every turn.
Increase Critical Strength by 10%.
Increase Dandy Rabbit drops by 1.
[Lady Reines Case Files only]
Limit Break
Increase NP Gauge by 5% every turn.
Increase Critical Strength by 15%.
Increase Dandy Rabbit drops by 2.
[Lady Reines Case Files only]
Craft Essence Detail
Illustrator: Cogecha
Powdered snow dances in London's night sky. The bustling sound of the parade is long gone, and the girl takes a deep breath and prays in the silence that has melted into the night's darkness.
May this person's future yield some happy result...