
Crit Star Drop Up

Not Bond CE

ID Icon Value Value (MLB) Sort ascending Value Type Turns Times Activ. Chance
27  Be Elegant 25.00 30.00 Percent
646 Seaside Luxury 20.00 25.00 Percent
112 Melty Sweetheart 10.00 20.00 Percent
160 Summer's Futuresight 15.00 20.00 Percent
45 15.00 20.00 Percent
227 The Classic Three Great Heroes 15.00 20.00 Percent
17 Spell Tome 15.00 20.00 Percent
561 Castle of the Sun 15.00 20.00 Percent
110 Kitchen☆Patissiere 15.00 20.00 Percent
168 Beasts Under the Moon 12.00 15.00 Percent
711 An Oni in Human Clothing 10.00 15.00 Percent
998 Vampire Masquerade Ball 10.00 15.00 Percent
1952 Comme un Sablier 10.00 15.00 Percent
776 Heretical Yaga 10.00 15.00 Percent
770 Musketeers 5.00 10.00 Percent
280 Fire Flower 5.00 10.00 Percent
7 5.00 10.00 Percent
420 Collection of Mysterious Masks 5.00 10.00 Percent
425 Blissful Time 5.00 10.00 Percent
426 Arrogance of a Victor 5.00 10.00 Percent
557 Neverland 4.00 8.00 Percent
904 Ashigara Brothers 5.00 8.00 Percent
769 Welcome, Our Customer 3.00 5.00 Percent
654 Chaldea Beach Volleyball 2.00 3.00 Percent
1142 We Are Friends 0.00 2.20 Percent
59 Fate GUDAGUDA Order 1.00 2.00 Percent