
Act Two: The Thunder Shooter's Fishing Ground (Part 3/4)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 715
QP 7,400
Quest EXP 22,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Available after Obtaining 27,000 Void Space Exploration Points.
  • Master can only deploy the 3 NPC Servants for this battle.
  • Master must deploy Mash Kyrielight on the frontline. Master can only deploy 4 Servants in total, which are the Mash and the 3 other NPC Support Servants.
  • Mash Kyrielight (Ortinax): Lv80 NP3 10/10/8; CE: Lv20 Greatest Ocean.
  • NPC Van Gogh, Osakabehime (Archer) and Yang Guifei: Lv80 NP3 10/10/8; CE: Lv20 Greatest Ocean.
  • NPC Van Gogh has a fixed status:
    • Hesitant To Use NP: Cannot use Noble Phantasm.
  • At the start of the battle, the following effect will trigger:
    • Detecting Sound?: Grant all enemies a delayed buff (trigger after 3 turns) that grant Sure Hit status for 1 turn. [Unremovable].

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Van Gogh
Guest Servant: Yang Guifei
Guest Servant: Osakabehime (Archer)
Guest Servant: Mash (Ortinax)
Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Sea Demon - Bronze Archer

Delicious-Looking Leg

140,605 38
Giant Hermit Crab - Bronze Saber

Delicious-Looking Talon

87,723 45

Delicious-Looking Eye Meat

192,346 53

Quest Drops

Void Calamari x2 200.0%
Void Uni x2 100.0%

Quest Reward