
Section 3: Separation, Rocked by the Waves of Time (2/2) - Bottom Choice

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 315
QP 3,400
Quest EXP 2,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Master will fight this version if they pick the Bottom Dialogue option before the fight.
  • Battle is over after the first Break Bar is depleted.
  • NPC Supports:

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Saito Hajime
Guest Servant: Himiko
Guest Servant: Okita Souji
Guest Servant: Okada Izo
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Haniwa Nobbu - Silver Lancer

Glimmering Haniwa

  • Special Skill:
    • Haniwa Strengthened by the Heart A: Grant Evade to self (1 turn) and increase own NP Bar by 1.
150,637 35
Nagao Kagetora

On Break: Battle ends.

114,020 80

Quest Drops