
Section 3: Ghost Apartment (1/2) (Part 3/3)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 315
QP 3,400
Quest EXP 2,100
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • NPC Archer of Inferno is at Level 80, has NP Level 3 and Skill Level 8/8/8, and is equipped with the Craft Essence Horror Concierge.
  • All enemies have the following status:
    • Grudge: Increase Resistance against all damage by 70% and have 1,000 Damage Cut.
  • Eiten-Style Preach and Prayer?: At the beginning of each turn, remove the [Grudge] status from a random enemy.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
39,646 13
84,948 18
39,646 13

Quest Drops

Quest Reward