
Section 4: To the Distant Rainbow, Raising the Fluffy Umbrella Up (Revival)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 315
QP 3,400
Quest EXP 2,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Master can only deploy NPC Astolfo (Saber) as the ONLY Servant for this quest.
  • NPC Astolfo (Saber): Lv60 NP3 6/6/4; CE: Lv20 Wish Deliverymen
  • Mystic Code and Command Spell are not available.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Astolfo (Saber)
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Íss Garmr - Gold Lancer

Christmas Demonic Beast

150,632 10

Quest Drops

Quest Reward