
Section 5: Sailing Anew (3/3)

AP Cost 23
Bond Points 1630
QP 168,000
Quest EXP 59,380
Quest Type Main

Quest Overview

  • Party Setup is after the story part.
  • NPC Mandricardo is at Level 85, has NP Level 4 and Skill Level 10/10/10
  • NPC Mandricardo has the following status:
    • Theos Klironomia: Increase own Attack by 10% and grant 500 Damage Cut to self [Permanent, Unremovable].

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Mandricardo
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Passive: Captain of a Superficial Ship: Cannot use Noble Phantasm.
303,000 60
261,240 60

Quest Drops