
[Ultra High Difficulty] Revival: Flame Gate

AP Cost 1
Bond Points 915
QP 9,400
Quest EXP 38,190
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Lineup cannot include more than one of the same Servant (counting Supports).
  • There are a total of 300 Spartan Soldiers.
  • The battle will end upon defeating Leonidas.
  • Killing each Spartan Soldier will weaken the Damage Resistance and Defense layer of Leonidas.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Fatal Battle 1/1
Enemies Class HP Lvl
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Saber

The Brave

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Willpower: Inflict Skill Seal [1 turn, Unremovable] to a target upon death. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
195,495 90
23,397 70

Flaming Man

  • Battle Start:
    • Molon Labe: Increase own Damage Resistance and Defense [Permanent, Unremovable]. This effect will diminish for every Soldier defeated.
  • Special Skill:
    • Formation: Apply one of the following effects at the start of every turn:
      • Diversionary Formation: Increase the Critical Chance of all Soldiers [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Ambush Formation: Increase Critical Damage of all Soldiers [Permanent, Unremovable].
      • Charge Formation: Increase Attack of all Soldiers [Permanent, Unremovable].
  • Skills:
    • Rear Guard's Pride: Apply Taunt to self [1 turn]. Increase own NP Bar by 1.
    • Battle Continuation: Apply Guts [1 time, 5 turns]. Only activate when his Break Bar is depleted.
  • Noble Phantasm:
    • Thermopylae Enomotia: Increase own Defense [3 turns]. Apply Taunt to self [3 turns]. Increase own Critical Rate [3 turns].
220,038 90
  • Break Skill:
    • Counterattacking Roar: Increase NP Gauge of all allies by 1.
733,460 90
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Saber

Skilled Saber Spartan

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Insanity: Upon death, inflict Defense Down on the enemy that dealt the final blow. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
58,558 90
13,760 70
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Archer

Skilled Archer Spartan

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Tenacity: Upon death, inflict Defense Up Buff Nullification status on the enemy that dealt the final blow. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
36,712 90
17,900 70
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Lancer

Skilled Lancer Spartan

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Pride: Upon death, inflict Attack Down [1 turn] to all enemies. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
47,309 90
23,397 70
23,397 70
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Saber

The Brave

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Willpower: Inflict Skill Seal [1 turn, Unremovable] to a target upon death. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
195,495 90
15,136 70
15,136 70
19,332 70
19,332 70
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Saber

Skilled Saber Spartan

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Insanity: Upon death, inflict Defense Down on the enemy that dealt the final blow. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
60,360 90
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Saber

Skilled Saber Spartan

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Insanity: Upon death, inflict Defense Down on the enemy that dealt the final blow. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
60,360 90
15,136 70
15,136 70
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Lancer

Skilled Lancer Spartan

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Pride: Upon death, inflict Attack Down [1 turn] to all enemies. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.
49,129 90
Roman Coalition Soldier - Bronze Saber

The Brave

  • Passive:
    • Spartan's Willpower: Inflict Skill Seal [1 turn, Unremovable] to a target upon death. Only activate while Leonidas Break Bar is depleted.

... etc. (Total 300 Spartans)

197,297 90

Quest Drops