
JWA Weekly Events Dec 21 to Dec 27: Winter Creatures Part 2

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Deck the Halls explorers! Let us brave the cold and come celebrate the holidays with part 2 of 2 weeks showcasing Jurassic World Alive’s wintery and snowy creatures! With the addition of the wolf family along with some familiar, ice age friends, this feels a little different than last year’s frosty holidays Many thanks to Lucus1355 for contributing the majority of this week's article. Let's talk about our recommendations of what to dart before we break down the rest this week has to offer!

Weekly Calendar Explained

Before we dive in to the week, we'll break down how the weekly event calendar works. First, each day is considered started at 10am Eastern on that day. It is possible that wherever you live, it might actually be the previous or next day, so we wanted to help clarify how they determine what day it is. At this time, event creatures & strike towers will be updated as applicable. This information is also noted on the calendar.

Ever wonder why some weeks we’re given 45 attempts on commons and others only 18 or 27? The reason for this is that the volume of attempts is a simple math calculation based on the rarity and number of options. Take the rarity base number and multiply by the number of options and voila, you have your total allowed attempts! Having more variety in the options yields that many more attempts. The flip side is it may be more difficult to find the creature(s) you favor. Below details the number of attempts assigned to each rarity which is used to determine how many attempts you receive (though occasionally, they stray from this math). This is the total you are allotted across all options, so it is important to select your choices wisely.

  • Common = 9 per
  • Rare = 6 per
  • Epic = 3 per
  • Legendary/Unique = Varies but tends to usually be 2 total

They recently started putting the number of attempts on the calendar again and sometimes stray from the above. Refer to the calendar for the confirmed counts. Each rarity has a different length of time the spawn lasts followed by a different length of time until respawn after despawn. Commons and Rares will last about 35 minutes with about 5 minutes between. Epics last about 30 minutes with about 5 minutes in between. Legendaries & Uniques last about 27 minutes with about 3 minutes in between. Many thanks to Lilikoi of Dom Tuoretto for helping us nail down those cycle times!

All strikes and trials are represented on the calendar with the level of difficulty along with how long they last (1 day or 2 days). The trials are shown along the very bottom in gray boxes.

Featured Creatures: Commons

Wednesday - Thursday: 27 attempts

  • Amphycion (Global Short Range) (Scutophicyon, Rinchicyon)
  • Glyptodon (Local 1 Anytime) (Andrewtodon>Andrewtops, Glyptoceras)
  • Phorusrhacos (Local 3 Day/Dawn/Dusk) (Velosrhacos, Phorusaura>Phorurex)

Out of these 3 commons, one stands out a little more for us, but you may see it differently.

Amphicyon is the hardest to locate as a short range spawn that is available all day. It has two hybrids, both having decent ability sets, perhaps with Rinchicyon coming across a little better off after its buff. For common-only tournaments, it can keep opponents from swapping but unlike others with this ability, it isn’t the best at dealing damage.

Phorusrhacos is a bit easier to find providing it’s not night and that you’re in the right area. It also has two hybrids – the first being the fast, strong, and distracting Velosrhacos.Then you have Phorusaura, leading onto the speed demon hybrid that is Phorurex. When it comes to common-only tournaments, it’s not a bad choice as it has a 100% chance to dodge 67%, if you’re ok with the one turn delay on its only high damaging move.

Finally, our favorite, Glyptodon. Seemingly the most available to dart out of the three; all day in one area. Again, it has two hybrids. Glyptoceras also received a buff recently, but its other fusion line, Andrewtodon, leads into the unique reptilian-dog known as Andrewtops. In common-only tournaments Glyptodon is a must with 40% armour, the ability to reduce speed and impose vulnerability, along with its resilient rampage. This one gives most creatures a challenge, especially the cunning class.

Overall, priority seems to be with darting Glyptodon for its strength in common-only tournaments and its hybrid Andrewtops. However, if you’d like the hybrids of Amphicyon and of Phorusrhacos, then dart some of those too. Twenty seven is a lot of attempts over just a couple days and you may want to save your energy for the other rarities.

 As of Wednesday morning:

Common Poll Results

Featured Creatures: Epics

Friday - Saturday: 9 Attempts

  • Carbonemys (Global Anytime) (Carbotoceratops>Testacornibus>Arctovasilas, Smilonemys>Indonemys)
  • Eucladoceros (Global Anytime) (Eremoceros, Testacornibus>Arctovasilas)
  • Oviraptor Gen 2 (Local 2 Day/Dawn/Dusk)

With these 3 epics, it will all come down to what you have, need and want, mainly for working towards hybrids and super hybrids.

First we have the newest on the block, Oviraptor Gen 2, which is only available in one area and not at night, and has no hybrids … yet? It seems to be a lesser version of Diloracheirus without the healing but able to boost its Critical Chance and has a Swap In Dodge. In tournaments, it does alright, but there are better Epic choices out there. We feel it’s worth collecting this creatures DNA for the future, but it doesn't stand out heavily enough over the other choices to feel you'd really be missing out if you didn't dart Ovi2.

Eucladoceros, the Epic deer with majestic 8 ft long antlers, is available everywhere, all the time and is a key component to some awesome hybrids. Eremoceros; it can dodge, distract, heal, shield, decelerate – a creature that does everything essential except breaking shields and going through armor. And then there’s its other hybrid, Testacornibus; the heavily armored deer. This one isn't as formidable as it once was with the strong emphasis on Fierce creatures in 2022, but it sure can do well in Unique tournament formats. If you've seen our latest datamine, we do expect another Unique tournament in January. However, we do not yet know if there will be any restrictions, but it's very possible Testa will once again qualify. Once you have the Unique deer, it then fuses to make the Super Duper Hybrid Apex, Arctovasilas, also known as the solitary 'bear king’! Coming back to Eucladoceros itself, in Epic rarity tournaments it can hold its own but again, there are better choices to use than this Epic deer.

Lastly, and the one that we believe you should dart if you have enough Epic deer DNA, is Carbonemys. In Epic rarity tournaments, it can hold its own against the right opponents but again, there are better choices to use than this Turtle. But why is it the clear choice to dart? This creature being available everywhere always and also able to find nests of it around boating areas. Why dart it if it’s so available? Not only can you use it to create Testacornibus, Carbotoceratops and Smilonemys, this turtle has two Hybrid Apex creatures in its lineage: Indonemys and Arctovasilas! That should be reason enough.

In the end, it comes down to preference and how far along you are with creating the hybrids that Carbonemys and Eucladoceros have. The turtle has more creatures to be created using its DNA and seems the obvious choice. There’s nothing wrong with darting the deer, except you’ll need both turtle hybrid and deer to fuse Testacornibus. Collecting DNA for the possible future hybrid of Oviraptor Gen 2, especially if you have finally finished fusing those two Apexes, is also a fine option here.

As of Wednesday morning:

Epic Poll Results

Featured Creatures: Legendaries

Sunday: 1 Attempt

  • Arctalces (Event Exclusive) (Arctovasilas)
  • Enteloceros (Event Exclusive)
  • Panthera Blythae (Event Exclusive)

Looks like Ludia isn't feeling so giving again, as we only get one attempt out of these 3 great options. 

Starting with the newbie, Panthera Blytheae, we do feel this is the best of these choices. This is a new legendary that, just like Parasaurolophus Lux and Rexy, is not a hybrid and can't be fused. It is also event exclusive, and we don't know if they'll ever release it to the wild like they finally did with Rexy. Its skill set looks fantastic and set to rival Rexy in PVP bouts. If you haven’t created it already through Isla Events, then darting it should be your priority This one also seems to be very worth levelling up. Although, you may take a cautious right and keep it at Level 20 in case a hybrid on the horizon.

Arctalces doesn't make a bad choice, as it is hard to fuse due to its component, Cervalces, being an event exclusive creature. Furthermore to this, Arctalces then goes on to create the Bear King, Arctovasilas, again another difficult one to fuse to create.

Enteloceros used to be a likely choice to dart, fuse, and use in Legendary tournaments. However now, the new kids on the block and the flocks seem to have put this creature on the back burner only coming up in some raid strategies.

As of Wednesday morning:

Legendary Poll Results

Featured Creatures: Uniques

Sunday: 1 Attempts

  • Aenocyonyx (Event Exclusive) (Indolycan)
  • Smilonemys (Event Exclusive) (Indonemys)

As we said above, Ludia is playing Scrooge as we’re only getting one attempt out of these 2 options, but there both absolute doozies.

First up, the brand new, nasty, and highly rated Aenocyonyx should be the more obvious option here. It seemed to perform great in recent tournaments featuring Uniques and also in PvP, at least from what we've seen and limited experience using it. The most likely reason to be darting this ancient hyena is its hybrid, the fuxible Apex Indolycan. It also depends on how close you are to having both its components up to Level 25. Aenocyonyx alone, is seemingly a great asset to a team, especially with 3 moves being priority abilities.

Your other option could be better for those yet to unlock Aenocyonyx or have Indoraptor Gen 2 at Level 25 to fuse the “Spirit Wolf”. Smilonemys! One of the two components to get the Apex Indonemys. we’d imagine that after its release and during a previous “Pass”, this creature should be closer to fusion and easier in creating it, if not already and if already, perhaps getting to Level 30 is now your goal.

As of Wednesday morning:

Unique Poll Results

Featured Creatures: Rares

Monday - Tuesday: 24 Attempts

  • Argentavis (Event Exclusive) (Argenteryx, Lystrosavis)
  • Dire Wolf (Event Exclusive) (Aenocyonyx>Indolycan)
  • Cervalces (Event Exclusive) (Arctalces>Arctovasilas)
  • Elasmotherium (Local 4 Day/Dawn/Dusk) (Brontolasmus, Mammotherium>Mammolania)

We round out two holiday weeks of fun with the Rare Featured Creatures in this week's event attempts. Faced with 3 Event Exclusives, it won't be the easiest of choices.

Cervalces, the event exclusive deer needed in fusing Arctalces and then Arctovasilas. Most likely this creature will be darted for that reason and that reason alone, although it isn’t bad if you need a resilient creature in a Rare tournament.

The most likely to be darted despite being available for a second week in a row is the Dire Wolf…unsurprisingly, this is Gamepress's top recommendation. With 24 attempts last week and another 24 this week, that Wolf is going places; up to Level 20 and then anything between that and fusing for the Indolycan. In rare tournaments, it may not be a half bad choice either to have on your team unless it comes against any flocks. Either way, if you’re looking to create the Wolf dynasty, it’s the one to dart.

Next up, a super important and double trouble flock ingredient, Argentavis. Argenteryx is a tourney monster and can hold its own in the arena against most rarities. Argentavis also has another hybrid in the form of Lystrosavis. Being event exclusive and one of the largest birds to ever fly, this Cenozoic creature has some awesome hybrids and may be worth at least some of your attention.

Lastly, Elasmotherium, the only 1 of the 4 to not be an event exclusive creature. This Ancient Rhinoceros boasts some awesome hybrids: Mammotherium, Brontolasmus and Mammolania. For what it’s worth, dart this creature in the wild to get some charging rhino hybrids as they are where this particular creature seems to shine best.

As of Wednesday morning:

Rare Poll Results

Strike Events, Trials, Scents, Treasure Chase, and Hybrid Pursuit!

Strike Events & Trials

Strike Events and Trials are also Winter Creatures themed and can reward the same Common, Rare, and Epic DNA found at Event Supply Drops (with the very rare but possible Legendary & Unique).

We have a Tyrannosaurus Rex strike on Friday as well as Boost Strikes on Thursday (Attack), Saturday (HP), and Tuesday (Speed).


Both scent strikes this week will be Scent of Claws (Thursday & Monday) and can draw the following when activated (with one Rare guaranteed):

  • Amphicyon (Common)
  • Arachaeotherium (Common)
  • Brontotherium (Common)
  • Eremotherium (Common)
  • Glyptodon (Common)
  • Phorusrhacos (Common)
  • Arctodus (Rare)
  • Argentavis (Rare)
  • Cervacles (Rare)
  • Dire Wolf (Rare)
  • Elasmotherium (Rare)
  • Marsupial Lion (Rare)
  • Megaloceros (Rare)
  • Carbonemys (Epic)
  • Eucaldoceros (Epic)
  • Oviraptor Gen 2 (Epic)
  • Smilodon (Epic)
  • Woolly Mammoth (Epic)
  • Woolly Rhino (Epic)

Treasure Chase

We have a special treasure chase on Sunday where distance doesn't matter, and there will be an opportunity for a special emote to go with the coins. We only get one pop each period (Sunday will run 11am Eastern to 8pm Eastern, then it will reset until 11am Eastern Monday) and can be rewarded coins, DNA, and boosts (random amounts and not guaranteed)

Hybrid Pursuit

The Troodoboa pursuit begins with Troodon.

Daily Dino & Tournament Info

Our December arena seasonal reward continues as Blue while Moros Intrepidus is our Daily Dino.

Week 3 of Pulmonoscorpios Alliance Championships will be Rare/Epic/Legendary All (No Restrictions) Skills tournament for BOOOOOOOSTS!

December 2022 Stat Boost Tournament



  • Creatures

    • Rare
    • Epic
    • Legendary
    • All
  • Level

    • All creatures are set to Tournament Level (26)
  • Stat Boosts

    • Disabled
  • Restrictions

    • None
Boost Tournament Rewards

Free Cash Link

GamePress is excited to be able to provide weekly cash links worth $50 cash in game! The code can only be claimed once a week and you must click on it using the device you play JWA with. It will be active from Wednesday, 12am Eastern - Tuesday, 11:59pm Eastern every week. This is a promotional code provided courtesy of Ludia, Inc and is exclusive to GamePress. We will post this link in an article we publish each week. We will post all articles on our Twitter so follow us at NewsJWA on Twitter so you don't miss out! 

If you enjoy our content, please help let others know this is the source of the cash links people just post for the taking all over social media. The same goes for YouTuber Gaming Beaver. All links have a purpose behind them, and that is to promote some kind of media and drive traffic. Most people simply do not know there is actually a purpose behind these links, and we'd like to try to educate as many as we can. Take a moment to politely explain this in these posts. It isn't free money some random stranger on the internet whipped up. Every time these links are shared, it is taking opportunity away from an intended purpose. Please think about that or maybe find some time to visit Gaming Beaver, GamePress JWA, and the Ludia social medias.

*We can not control when Ludia officially deploys these links, but these are the times they are planned to be active.

Get Your $50 Hard Cash Here

Parting Words

On behalf of Gamepress, we'd like to wish Merry Christmas to you all, and to all a Dino sized good night! We really enjoyed our first week of Winter Creatures and look forward to the continued celebration. Thanks again to Lucus1355 for contributing to this weekly events article. What do you plan to dart and why? Join our Discord and get in the discussion today!

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About the Author(s)

Kelly resides in Scottsdale, AZ, proud cat mama of her girls, Payton & Cat Tillman. A JWA player since about day one, she spends much time hunting in the park outside her home and thrives in leading the great folks of Kelliance. 
