
Boss Stage Story Card Hub

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This page has two focuses: linking to every single story card/boss stage guide and listing out each of the cards obtained from the stage and their importance. Any guides linked will only be guides regarding the stages on Lunatic difficuly, mainly because this is where most of the difficulty comes for these farmable story cards. Still, Hard difficulty, which are 4* story cards, will be described to show if they are worth collecting. A theme is mainly that 5* story cards are a lot of Friends' best cards for their Last Words, while 4* story cards are very easily outclassed by other options, sometimes even more 5* story cards from stage drops.

Story cards are your equipment of Touhou LostWord, and the fact that these cards in particular can be farmed in order to get a Max Limit Broken (MLB) copy without risking the gacha system is rather neat! it can be difficult to obtain these cards with their low drop rates, but hopefully the provided guides will assist you in your efforts.

When the story card's stats are listed, any values in brackets represent the card at Max Limit Break or when fully enhanced.

Chapter 1 (1-5-4) and Hifuu B3 currently do not have guides for the stage, as many Friends can easily farm these stages and the story cards from them are not as relevant as other ones, which will be explained below.

Chapter 1 (1-5-4)

5* Story Card: My Girl's the Cutest!

  • Recovers 20% [35%] of own HP
  • Yang ATK 2 levels UP (2T)
  • Yang DEF +30 [+90]
  • Yin ATK +30 [+90]

Value: Low

A very simplistic card, which can be somewhat expected from the start of the game, but one that sadly does not really last long in terms of relevancy. The only benefit from Max Limit Breaking this card is more HP restoration, which isn't the worst effect, but not one that really needs to utilize a story card slot for. The 2 levels of Yang UP is also not the worst, but is easily outclassed by 3 levels of Yang UP from other cards or even skills of some Friends. Lastly, its stat sticks are again, not bad, but nothing impressive either. 

4* Story Card: After School as Usual

  • Spell Card's No-Element power 15% [30%] UP (1T)
  • Agility +20 [+70]
  • Yin ATK +20 [+70]

Value: Very Low

Usually 3* story cards are the ones with only 1 effect, but this early-game 4* story card decided to be very special. On top of that, its use to buff up No-Element attacks is pretty outdated when Puppeteer and Necromancer now exists, a card that can be found in the 3-11-1 section. Strangely enough, the stat sticks are actually not terrible, a bit below-average of the values you'd like, but definitely do not make up for how pointless this card is as equipment.

Chapter 2 Act 2 (2-7-1)

5* Story Card: The Witch of Scarlet Dreams

  • Spirit Power 1.50 [2.00] UP
  • DMG from Magicians 25% DOWN (2T)
  • Agility +8 [+68]
  • Yang ATK +22 [+82]

Value: Extremely High

This is, by far, one of the best story cards in the entire game. The most obvious reason is its effect: a whopping 2.00 Spirit Power UP on MLB means Friends can effortlessly build up their Spirit Power even if their kits don't have Spirit Power restoration on their own! Additionally, their stat sticks, while relatively low, target two very popular stats geared toward offense, which at the very least helps any Slice-based or Yang attackers. 

To top it off, this story card has many practical farming compositions, one of them even including the free Friend Medicine Melancholy! With how easily accessible this card can be, especially at times when the drop rate of the Main Story increases, this is definitely a must-have for many Friends.

4* Story Card: Scarlet Devil Tower Princess

  • Focus 2 [3] levels DOWN (3T)
  • Health +100 [+300]
  • Yin DEF +10 [+50]

Value: Extremely Low

Is your offensive Friend so squishy that they need Focus DOWN in order to live longer? The answer to that should really be "No," because there are much more consistent ways to keep them safe rather than wasting a story card slot on this card. The stat sticks are also way too low to be practical.

Chapter 3 Act 1 (3-3-3)

5* Story Card: Mysterious Sword Master

  • Spell Card's Slash Bullet power 25% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Accuracy 1 [2] level(s) UP (1T)
  • Yang ATK +35 [+75]
  • Yin ATK +35 [+75]

Value: High

Another very valuable story card to farm, this one is more geared toward Friends that benefit from its first effect: Slash Bullet power UP. A 50% boost to a spell card's power, especially a Last Word, is definitely nothing to scoff at. Topped with its Accuracy support (although remember: it lasts 1 turn, meaning it is not a replacement for an Accuracy support card for extended fights) and its practical offensive stat sticks, this is another card to keep copies of- based on the Friends, though.

4* Story Card: A Time When the Girl Lived

  • Spell Card's Wood-element power 20% [35%] UP (1T)
  • Spirit Power collection rate 25% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Health +100 [+300]
  • Agility +10 [+50]

Value: Moderately Low

Finally, the 4* story cards have 2 different effects again! And while they're not amazing or anything, especially when Spirit Power collection rate UP is easily trounced by direct Spirit Power UP, the 35% buff to Wood is actually the 2nd best Wood-element buff in the game, only outclassed by Protection of Cerpinus. This card should still likely not see much action due to better options, but this one at least have a small reason to use it.

Chapter 3 Act 2 (3-6-3)

5* Story Card: The Secret God of the Sky

  • Spell Card's Heavy Bullet power 25% [50%] UP (1T)
  • CRIT ATK 1 [2] level(s) UP (1T)
  • Yang DEF +35 [+75]
  • Yin DEF +35 [+75]

Value: High

Ironically enough, this entry is very similar to the previous Mysterious Sword Masterwith some key exceptions. This card buffs Heavy Bullets' power instead of Slash Bullets, has an offensive CRIT utility use instead of Accuracy support, and stat sticks are defensive instead of offensive. This makes for a very useful card in a similar matter: all depending on a Friend's access to Heavy Bullets. Some Friends with Killer bullets may even get extra damage from the CRIT ATK UP!

4* Story Card: A Warm Meal

  • When used by a Support type Friend, party's Accuracy 1 [2] level(s) UP (2T)
  • When used by a Heal type Friend, party's Evasion 1 [2] level(s) UP (2T)
  • Health +100 [+300]
  • Yin DEF +10 [+50]

Value: Low

At first glance, this card is just confusing. The limitation to Support type or Heal type Friends practically makes this 4* story card have only 1 effect if using either type of Friend. Still, the Accuracy UP from the Support type buff is actually pretty good, especially when considering it is partywide. Sadly, most of the time other Friends either have their own way to raise their own Accuracy or even just give it to the whole party anyway. Topped off with the fact that you need a Support type Friend to have this on, and this card's value is still unfortunately pretty low.

Chapter 3 Act 3 (3-11-1)

5* Story Card: Puppeteer and Necromancer

  • Spell Card's Light Bullet power 30% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Spell Card's No-Element power 30% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Yin ATK +26 [+96]
  • Yin DEF +24 [+54]

Value: Moderately High

This is a somewhat stranger story card, but still has highly practical use thanks to its insane 50% damage buffs. This time, instead of buffing a bullet type and stat, this card increases the damage of two sources: Light Bullets and No-Element attacks. If you are a Friend like, say, L1 Alice Margatroid, then your Last Word has suddenly gotten a lot stronger. On the other hand, Friends that only cover the Light Bullet side of things still recieve a heavy damage buff, making using this card still practial outside of the No-Element buff. Additionally, you get a small Yin-based stat stick if needed.

4* Story Card: Frozen-Over Gensokyo

  • Spirit Power 0.75 [1.00] UP 
  • Spell Card's Liquid Bullet power 20% [35%] UP (1T)
  • Health +40 [+240]
  • Yin ATK +22 [+62]

Value: Moderately Low

The slight Spirit Power UP on this card sounds good...but at this rate, The Witch of Scarlet Dreams easily outclasses this card's Spirit Power gain in any way possible. The only other main use for this card is the 35% buff to Liquid Bullets, which currently ties the highest buff obtainable via Praying, coming from Where the Wind Priestess Is having the same 35% buff. Still, this card should definitely not be focused on for Spirit Power gain or stat sticks.

Chapter 3 Act 4 (3-18-3)

5* Story Card: Unknown Barrier Team

  • Spell Card's Energy Bullet power 25% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Yin ATK 1 [2] level(s) UP (1T)
  • Yang ATK +20 [+70]
  • Yin ATK +30 [+80]

Value: High

Chapter 3 Act 4's Story Card returns to the form of the previous Chapter 3 cards: heavily increasing the power of one bullet type by 50% with a useful buff on the side. Energy Bullets are utilized by a good amount of Friends, both for Last Words and Spell Cards, making this a card with plenty of uses that is worth farming. The Yin ATK buff lasting only for 1 turn is a shame, but still can help a Yin-based Friend squeeze out some more damage if their Yin ATK buffs aren't capped already. The offensive stat sticks are average as well, but the main appeal of this card is definitely the Energy Bullet buff.

4* Story Card: By the Underground Lake

  • Spell Card's Earth-element power 20% [35%] UP (1T)
  • Yang ATK 1 level UP (3T)
  • Health +75 [+275]
  • Yang ATK +15 [+55]

Value: Moderately Low

Once again, this is a farmable story card that has its value somewhat (but not entirely) defeated by the existence of another story card: Idola-Deus. While this card may be only obtained from Prayer, it is just a higher Earth buff while even outranking the immediate Yang ATK buff gained from this card. "Immediate" is used since the buff from this card does last for 3 turns instead of just 1 turn. The 3 turns of Yang ATK UP allows for other Yang ATK buffs can be extended to last longer over harder fights, but the low value still might make other cards more practical.

Interlude Act 1 (3.5-2-3)

5* Story Card: Nameless Adventurers

  • Spell Card's Normal Bullet power 25% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Party's Yang ATK 1 [2] level(s) UP (2T)
  • Yang ATK +25 [+85]
  • Yang DEF +25 [+65]

Value: High

The main appeal of this story card will likely be its partywide Yang ATK buff rather than its primary buff for Normal Bullets. As a reminder, Normal Bullets are not No-Element bullets, but rather bullets that are literally labeled as "Normal Bullets" (For those using icons, they appear as gun bullets.). It's not that the buff is bad - as with every other 50% buff, it'll heavily increase the attack of any Last Word with the type - but the times you would use it for this purpose are more limited than your average bullet buff card. Instead, take advantage of the partywide Yang ATK UP for Yang-oriented teams to further optimize the entire team's damage in longer fights! 

4* Story Card: Humans Acting Like Humans

  • Yin ATK 1 [2] level(s) UP (2T)
  • DMG from humans 20% DOWN (2T)
  • Health +60 [+260]
  • Yin DEF +18 [+58]

Value: Low

This story card mainly serves as a basic Yin ATK buff replacement for other 4* story cards. But, naturally, any 5* Yin ATK UP story card will easily outplace this story card due to being 3 levels instead of 2. Additionally, its stat sticks are just bad and secondary effect pointless. With how easy it can be to get a normal Prayer story card with a similar effect, this card really isn't worth obtaining.

Code B3

5* Story Card: Occult Circle

  • Spell Card's Missile Bullet power 20% [35%] UP (1T)
  • Spell Card's Laser Bullet power 20% [35%] UP (1T)
  • Evasion 1 [2] level(s) UP (3T)
  • Yang DEF +26 [+76]
  • Yin DEF +24 [+74]

Value: Moderately Low

This is another card that gets the short end of the stick in terms of value. While it may seem as amazing as the previous Chapter 3 Main Story Cards, the main issue with this one is strangely enough its coverage. You'd assume having more coverage is better, but not only is covering both Missile and Laser Bullets less practical than a 50% buff to one type, the buffs are lower, being at 35% instead of 50%. To make it worse, Evasion is a less relevant stat to buff and its stat sticks of defense are outclassed by Mysterious Sword Master. This is one you don't need to mess with getting, unless a Friend really benefits from those bullet type buffs.

4* Story Card: Satellite TORIFUNE

  • Spell Card's Star-element power 15% [25%] UP (1T)
  • When used by a Technical type Friend, party's Yang ATK 1 level UP (3T)
  • Health +100 [+300]
  • Yang ATK +10 [+50]

Value: Low

This card's Star buff is literally outclassed by the next Hifuu chapter's 5* story card, Secret Sealing Club Girls, so it's not even worth getting this card for that purpose. Instead, the only real reason you might consider using this card is the partywide Yang ATK UP. However, as with any low-valued card, there are multiple drawbacks of the buff being only 1 level (but at least lasting for 3 turns) and requiring a Technical type Friend. The latter isn't so bad when most Technical Friends are good, but there are definitely better, high-value Yang ATK cards to be using instead of this.

Code E9

5* Story Card: Secret Sealing Club Girls

  • Spell Card's Star-Element power 25% [50%] UP (1T)
  • Target's Evasion 1 [2] level(s) DOWN (1T)
  • Agility +20 [+60]
  • Yang ATK +30 [+90]

Value: High

That's more like it, we're back in the singular bullet buffs with that great 50% power increase! This time, it's for an element instead of a bullet type: that being Star-Element. There are a good amount of good Star-Element attacks to take advantage of this on. Furthermore, this Hifuu LostWord card took the memo from the last one's underwhelming Evasion buff and has turned it into an enemy-targeted debuff! However, do note it only lasts one turn, perhaps being better used on a Friend going first to debuff the foe for everyone else.

4* Story Card: Night Trip to Rendaino

  • Spell Card's Moon-element power 20% [30%] UP (1T)
  • Adds 1 layer to own Barrier
  • Health +70 [+320]
  • Yang DEF +16 [+46]

Value: Low

There are way too many other better story cards that buff Moon-element bullets either at the same 30% rate or better, which is a problem that you may have noticed is a theme. This card's attempt to stand out from the rest of them is restoring a layer of the user's Barrier, which is definitely not a terrible effect by any means. However, this came at the price of very underwhelming stat sticks. Additionally, while an additional Barrier for Grazing may save some runs or strategies, this card is still interchangeable with any other that does the same effect, especially if this is the only reason why you are using it.

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About the Author(s)

I mainly go by Neku on Discord and primarily focus on writing articles for Touhou Lostword. You can usually find me on the Touhou Lostword Official Discord (Neku#9644) if needed for edits regarding any information on that side. 
