
Should You Pull? Prayer “Kaiju Professor Ultra Festival”

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Should You Pull?

Maybe, leaning towards yes. H5 Yuuka Kazami proves to be a powerful character with wide reaching killers and potent breaking capabilities, but her utility may be found a bit lacking. Despite this, Yuuka can prove herself useful in challenging content such as Star EX and the recently departed Wood EX

Quick Overview

Yuuka’s scientific love for flowers translates into a Technical-Class Friend who weeds out her enemies with ease with powerful killers, potent Blind and Poison mastery and Wood/Star bullets.

Great damage with room to grow

With Yuuka’s wide reaching killers, decent buffs and debuffs, Yuuka can dish out a good amount of damage with options like her 1st Spell Card or her Last Word. Her damage can still improve with more buffs, as well as a future card to come.

Powerful breaks

A spread of 3 Star and 3 Wood on all her Spell Cards make her breaks powerful against enemies who are weak to these. With her 2nd Spell Card, she can also break Poison and Blind anomalies, which improves her already impressive breaks. A unique thing to note is how she inflicts more Poison anomalies to whoever she was targeting which can be useful in staggering enemy breaks.

Support is lacking in most areas

While her 1st Spell Card has the very powerful niche that is a guaranteed Stun, her utility otherwise is not great. With fairly long cooldowns on both her 1st Skill and 3rd Skill and her Spell Card utility not being as impactful as it may suggest, Yuuka’s utility falls on the lower end of the spectrum.

Anomaly usage is awkward to utilize

While she does gain buffs from Poison and Blind anomalies, Yuuka also has incentive to use up her barriers for accuracy. Thus, her usage of self-inflicted anomalies and grazes can very frequently come in conflict with each other.
