
Final Encore - Lyrica Solo

Lyrica Prismriver's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). Due to popular demand, the Prismriver Ensemble hold many musical events throughout the year. The encore on the last day of these events is always the climax. Lyrica's solo portion of the song builds upon the solo performances of her sisters to produce an unpredictable and ever-entertaining performance of her own. Lyrica's talent lies in her ability to harmonize the three individual performances of the ensemble while retaining their own unique qualities, making her an indispensable part of the group.
*Pre- and Post- effects assume max level. Effects per level can be viewed here.
Pre-Attack Spell Card Effects
Own Yin ATK 3 level(s) UP (3 turns).
Post-Attack Spell Card Effects
Mysterious Tremolo
x19 Yang
Illusionary Keyboard
x5 Yin 1
Enigmatic Tremolo
x5 Yang 1
Mysterious Keyboard
x5 Yin 2
Perplexing Tremolo
x5 Yang 3
Phantasmagoric Keyboard
x5 Yin 3
Own Yin ATK 3 level(s) UP (3 turns).
Effect Info
Awaken 0 1 2 3 4
Value 1 1 2 2 3
Rate 0 50 0 50 0
Add 0 1 0 1 0

Characters with Spell Card