
Wormhole Prophetess

Seiga Kaku's Last Word (a Touhou LW original). She invites her targets on a journey through a hole in spacetime. Throughout the universe, there are holes where time and space don't exist as we know it... apparently. Seiga's hairpin can open a hole in any wall. Thus, it can be assumed that she can cut through any material, no matter how hard it is. The strength of tiny intermolecular bonds determines the hardness of materials, and it is theorized that the bonds between infinitely small bits of time and space are what holds together spacetime. If used correctly, this senjutsu may just make it possible to warp through space and time.
*Pre- and Post- effects assume max level. Effects per level can be viewed here.
Pre-Attack Spell Card Effects
Party's Agility 2 level(s) UP (3 turns). [Additional effect +1 with success rate 20%.]
Post-Attack Spell Card Effects
x17 Yin
Exotic Burst
x3 Yin 1
x3 Yin 2
Time Leap
x3 Yin 3
Space Jump
x3 Yin 3
Warp Drive
x3 Yin 3
Party's Agility 2 level(s) UP (3 turns). [Additional effect +1 with success rate 20%.]
Effect Info
Awaken 0 1 2 3 4
Value 1 1 1 1 2
Rate 0 30 60 90 20
Add 0 1 1 1 1

Characters with Spell Card