Ideal Move Pool for Potential Gen 4 Pokémon
Niantic did a terrible job with move pools in Gen 3. I'm hoping that they'll not make the same mistake in Gen 4. I'm trying to predict the ideal (best possible) move pool for some potential Pokémons in Gen 4:
Magnezone- Thunder Shock/ Spark,
Wild Charge/ Flash Cannon/ Discharge or Zap Cannon
Infernape- Fire Spin/ Mach Punch*,
Overheat/ Close Combat/ Flare Blitz*
Torterra- Razor Leaf/ Bite,
Leaf Storm*/ Earthquake/ Crunch (Legacy)/ Stone Edge
Gallade- Psycho Cut/ Rock Smash or Low Kick,
Psychic/ Shadow Ball/ Focus Blast
Electivire- Thunder Shock/ Low Kick,
Thunder Punch/ Brick Break/ Thunder Punch (Legacy)/ Wild Charge
Tangrowth- Vine Whip/ Poison Jab,
Power Whip/ Energy Ball or Solar Beam/ Ancient Power (Legacy)/ Sludge Bomb
Rhyperior- Mud Slap/ Counter(Legacy)/ Rock Wrecker*,
Stone Edge/ Earthquake/ Dynamic Punch (Legacy)/ Drill Run
Rampardos- Headbutt*/ Smack Down*,
Stone Edge/ Ancient Power/ Giga Impact*
Luxray- Bite/ Thunder Fang*,
Thunderbolt/ Wild Charge/ Crunch
Lucario- Metal Claw/ Aura Sphere*,
Focus Blast/ Flash Cannon/ Stone Edge
Heatran- Fire Spin/ Fire Fang,
Overheat/ Heatwave (Legacy)/ Flamethrower (Legacy)/ Iron Head/ Solar Beam
#Solar Beam and Flamethrower can be swapped
Darkrai- Feint Attack/ Dark Void*,
Dark Pulse/ Shadow Ball/ Payback*
New Fast Moves: (Damage, Energy, Time)
Headbutt- 8, 4, 0.6
Thunder Fang- 11, 8, 0.9
Smack Down- 12, 9, 1.0
Mach Punch- 11, 7, 0.8
Dark Void- 20, 15, 1.6
Aura Sphere- 11, 7, 0.8
New Charge Move: (Power, Time)
Leaf Storm- 140, 3.4
Flare Blitz- 130, 3.2
Payback- Single Bar Dark Move
Giga Impact- Equivalent to Hyper Beam (It would be fun to see 2 moves with the same type and stats, In future generations, Physical attackers will get Giga Impact and Special Attackers will get Hyper Beam to give the game an effect of the core games).
Because Rhyperior requires a special item (Protector) to evolve. Among so many new special items in Gen 4 and the old ones, finding the Protector will be a hard task. And so, it would payoff as a Crazy-strong Pokémon. And so, it will be worth it since finding a Protector will be much harder than evolving a Community Day Bulbasaur or doing a legendary raid.
Evo items were abandoned after releasing gen 2. It's not a certainty that they will be back for gen 4, but they would be a good way to balance the stronger cross gen evos for sure. Otherwise many (myself included) will have a full team of level 35+ Rhyperiors, Mamoswines etc the day they're released.