
Cold Confidence: Part  1

Chapter 13

Story Detail
Chapter Part 1
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Main Story
Quest Type Story
Story Difficulty Normal

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards

Dialogue’re sure you don’t want to join our team, then?

Yeah, I’m sorry... I really love the team I’m on already!

You guys do look awfully strong, though.

I hope we get to battle someday! I’ll be looking forward to it! Bye for now!

... ... ...

Looks like we got dumped.

Hmph... Sooner or later, she’ll learn she made a mistake turning down my invitation.

Though I have to admit, the girl has guts. She opposed me, knowing full well that I’m the greatest dragon master in the world!

I’m not sure if she agrees with that last part...

Well, no matter. Where do we go from here? I know you’ve taken a liking to the girl, even if you won’t admit it.

Should we look for a new member? We don’t have that much time left.

I don’t think so. We don’t need anyone else. We should use that time to train.

After all, I’m the greatest dragon master ever! And you’re as elite as they come—one of the Indigo Elite Four, like my cousin Lance!

Our team is more than strong enough with just the two of us. If we were any stronger, we’d simply be unbeatable!

You just wait and see, Iris! You’ll regret choosing another team over ours... I know you will!

Aha ha ha ha ha!

Clair still has so much of that boasting, youthful overconfidence, doesn’t she... I suppose that’s where she and Lance are different.

Then again, maybe that’s what makes her so fun to watch... Good luck, Clair. I’ll be right there with you.

Ah, Player! There you are... I’m Clair. I’ve been looking forward to this battle.

Step right up and witness the might of our team of dragon masters! Your streak of good luck ends here.

I’m Lorelei. I’m not exactly a Dragon-type Pokémon user, but that’s no matter.

We’ve trained hard, too. Watch out, or I’ll put your Pokémon on ice!

I hope you’re ready, Player.

It’s time for you to learn a lesson in strength from a world-class master of dragons and a queen of ice!