
A Day with Lorelei


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(While walking along the beach and admiring the sights, Player paused... Was that a moving island?!)
(Intrigued by the phenomenon, they moved closer...)
(and found Lorelei and Lapras standing on the beach.)

Oh, Player. I didn’t expect to see you here.

Lapras and I were just taking a joyride on the ocean.

[Option 1] That sounds really relaxing.

[Option 1] It is. Pasio has beautiful oceans around it. Just floating on the ocean is very pleasant.

[Option 2] Don’t you get motion sickness?

[Option 2] Not at all. Lapras is very comfortable to ride on.

[Option 2] Not only that—Pasio’s waters are so calm, I can’t imagine getting sick at all.

And in case you were wondering, Lapras like to swim with people riding on their backs.

I don’t want you thinking that I’m forcing her to carry me around.

[Option 1] Don’t worry. I know.

[Option 1] I guess that was unnecessary. You seem to understand what’s important as a Trainer.

[Option 2] Oh, really? I didn’t know that!

[Option 2] Oh, stop joking. I know you’re the kind of Trainer who always thinks about your Pokémon first and foremost.

[Option 2] I can tell just by looking at you.

I sometimes come across people who take it for granted that Pokémon stay with them.

They take it for granted that Pokémon battle— that they listen to humans.

But the truth is that these Pokémon stay with us because they trust us, and those people have forgotten that.

Our Pokémon are our friends, and our friends are our equals.

[Option 1] Of course.

[Option 1] ... ... ...

[Option 2] I understand.

[Option 2] ... ... ...

It’s great to enjoy being with your Pokémon.

But I want more people to think about whether a Pokémon enjoys being with them the same way.

All in all, I think it’s kindhearted Trainers like you who are going to rise to the top of the PML.

At least, I hope that’s the case! That being said, I have every intention of winning myself.

Hm? You want to go for another swim, Lapras? Really, what am I going to do with you...

Well, last time I was the one who suggested we go out...

I suppose it’s only fair that we go out again if that’s what Lapras wants.