
A Day with Candice


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player decided to explore the outskirts of the island, eventually making their way to the glaciers.)

Heya, Player! What brings you here?

You’re not lost, are you?

[Option 1] Nope! Just exploring.

[Option 1] Well, these icy glaciers can be pretty treacherous if you’re not super careful. Make sure you stay focused out here, OK?

[Option 2] No, but it’s pretty c-cold out here...

[Option 2] Duh! These are glaciers! Of course it’s gonna be cold!

This place could easily become a disaster zone if we get a surprise blizzard coming through!

Abomasnow, would you be a doll and go shield Player from the wind for a bit?

You really should be more careful, Player.

And, well...I should learn to follow my own advice every once in a while, too.

[Option 1] Did something happen?

[Option 1] It was a long time ago, but yeah... I got stranded in the mountains during a really bad snowstorm once.

[Option 2] What do you mean?

[Option 2] Well, it was a long time ago, but I got stranded in the mountains during a really bad snowstorm once.

There’s a flower that only blooms up in the snowiest mountain peaks, and one day, I decided to go hiking to try to find one.

But while I was up there, I got caught in an unexpected blizzard and accidentally veered off the trail.

I was lost and freezing... I almost lost hope altogether. I didn’t think anyone was going to rescue me.

But then Abomasnow here came out of nowhere and saved my life!

I was barely conscious by then...

but I remember feeling like I was being carried down the mountain by a big, fluffy Pokémon.

When I woke up, the Pokémon was gone. Somehow, I’d ended up in a cabin in the mountains, tucked into a warm bed.

Abomasnow here ran off before I even got the chance to thank him!

[Option 1] Guess he was too cool for that.

[Option 1] Haha, that’s what I thought at first, too.

[Option 2] Haha, that’s what I thought at first, too.

After that whole experience, I just knew I had to find that Pokémon again somehow. I wanted to battle with him as my partner!

Eventually, I did find him...

but he chased me away.

Not to be mean or anything. He did it to keep me away from danger.

You see, whenever Abomasnow is around, big, strong blizzards tend to form... I think he wanted to protect me from them.

I wasn’t gonna let a little blizzard stop me, though! I hiked right through those storms to visit him over and over again.

It took a while, but eventually Abomasnow gave in and said yes!

[Option 1] Your focus must have convinced him!

[Option 1] I think so! My perfect focus somehow melted through that icy heart of his.

[Option 2] Your determination paid off!

[Option 2] I think so! My perfect focus somehow melted through that icy heart of his.

Focus is the key to victory!

... ... ...

Or so I thought, anyway.

[Option 1] What do you mean?

[Option 1] Well, I think Abomasnow might have said yes that day because he was worried about me.

[Option 2] What changed your mind?

[Option 2] Well, I think Abomasnow might have said yes that day because he was worried about me.

If I’d continued to visit him up in the mountains, I would’ve been pelted by his blizzard nonstop. At some point, I would have frozen over.

Abomasnow wanted to prevent that from happening, and I believe that kindness is what makes him strong.

I never found the snow flower I’d gone searching for on the mountain that day...

but in the end, I found something even more special than that.

Abomasnow may have a cold, icy exterior, but he’s got a warm heart on the inside, and I’m proud to have him as my partner!