
A Day with Liza


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(One day, Player found Liza hanging out on the beach.)
(They walked over to chat, but Liza looked a little sad.)


[Option 1] You don’t look so good.

[Option 1] Oh, hello, Player.

[Option 2] Was that a sigh?

[Option 2] Oh, hello, Player.

I guess you can tell I’m feeling lonely.

I’ve just gotten so used to being around Tate all the time.

[Option 1] Aren’t you together now?

[Option 1] It’s different now...

[Option 2] Tate’s your twin, right?

[Option 2] Yes, we’re twins. Tate and I look just like each other.

Tate said he wanted to try training separately while we’re on Pasio.

There are some really tough Trainers and sync pairs who are totally in sync with each other.

Maybe we shouldn’t be together just because we’re twins.

Maybe we needed to split up to find out why we need each other. That was his idea.

[Option 1] That’s really tough.

[Option 1] Tate and I promised each other we’d meet again after we’d gotten stronger.

[Option 2] You look a little happier!

[Option 2] Tate and I promised each other we’d meet again after we’d gotten stronger.

But being by myself is making me lonelier than I thought it would.

[Option 1] You have your Lunatone.

[Option 1] That’s true. Thanks, Lunatone.

[Option 2] Lunatone believes in you!

[Option 2] That’s true. Thanks, Lunatone.

I guess I’m not really alone after all!

Lunatone is so mysterious.

Whenever I’m feeling down, Lunatone’s always there by my side to help me out.

Even when we first met, it was that way.

[Option 1] What happened?

[Option 1] A long time ago, I was playing by myself and got lost.

[Option 2] How did you first meet?

[Option 2] A long time ago, I was playing by myself and got lost.

It was almost nighttime, and it was getting darker and darker. I was scared, and that’s when Lunatone appeared.

It kindly guided me along the dark path.

That’s how Lunatone and I met.

We’ve been close ever since.

Having Lunatone around makes me feel so much happier!

Two is more fun than one, so that’s why we’re together.

Is that a good enough reason to team up?

[Option 1] Yeah, I think that’s enough.

[Option 1] Maybe you’re right. Thanks, Player.

[Option 2] Of course. And I’m here for you, too.

[Option 2] Thanks, Player. And you’re right.

I’ve been feeling lonely ever since Tate and I split up, but maybe it’s not all bad.

If Tate and I were still together, I might not have been able to grow so close to you, Player.

It’s a chance for me to practice my teamwork with Trainers other than Tate, too.

I have to surprise Tate when I show him how much stronger I’ve gotten.

[Option 1] Keep up the good work!

[Option 1] “The sun and the moon can’t rise together.”

[Option 2] “The sun and the moon can’t rise together.”

That’s what Tate said when he told me he wanted to split up.

I believe the day will come when we can be together again!

Now is the time for me to grow! Thanks for reminding me, Player!