
A Day with Marley


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player noticed the light of a swaying flame deep in the forest.)
(Curious, they snuck deeper into the forest.)

... ... ...

Do you want me for something?

[Option 1] You startled me.

[Option 1] I didn’t think anybody would be out here.

[Option 2] What are you doing out here?

[Option 2] I was talking with my partner Pokémon.

I just wanted some time alone with Arcanine.

It’s noisy outside of the forest... We can’t talk if it’s noisy.

[Option 1] Sorry to bother you.

[Option 1] No, it’s OK. Rather...

[Option 2] I’m probably distracting you. Sorry.

[Option 2] No, it’s OK. Rather...


[Option 1] What? Why?

[Option 1] I mean...thank you for being considerate...

[Option 2] I mean...thank you for being considerate...

I try not to apologize too much.

You feel better being thanked than being apologized to, right?

Do you...understand what I’m trying to say?

[Option 1] Yeah, I get you.

[Option 1] Good, that’s a relief.

[Option 2] I kinda don’t get it.

[Option 2] *sigh* ...Words are difficult.

I’m...very scared of conveying my feelings in words...

Even if I don’t mean to, I end up hurting people.

But I have so many things that I want to tell them.

That’s why I want to take as much time as I can to talk with Arcanine.


I can’t... The words don’t come out.

[Option 1] You can do it!

[Option 1] This is still too fast for me.

[Option 2] You don’t have to push yourself!

[Option 2] This is still too fast for me.

I’m not confident that I can communicate well.


I know what I have to do in these situations.

A certain Pokémon taught me...

that all you need to do is say thank you and give a flower to somebody you love.

She told me that would be enough.

I was thinking of going to find some flowers, but what do you think?

Am I expressing myself all right? *giggle* I’m glad.

I really appreciate you following me. Thank you.

One of these days, I’ll make sure to thank you properly.

I love you, Arcanine. Please stay with me always.