
A Day with Noland


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player came to the village to do a sprint workout.)
(While there, they saw somebody unexpected.)

Yo! If it isn’t Player! Workin’ hard, or hardly workin’?

[Option 1] Workin’ hard!

[Option 1] Good answer, kid!

[Option 2] Hardly workin’.

[Option 2] Ha ha ha! I like your honesty, kid!

You’re going around, seeing the sights on your own, right?

It’s best to see, hear, and experience things for yourself! Especially if it’s somewhere new!

You could get the information from a book that you can read in the safety of your room, sure.

But you wouldn’t experience anything that way. It’s the experience that becomes real knowledge.

You can’t say you’ve studied until you do that.

[Option 1] Maybe.

[Option 1] You look like you don’t exactly believe me.

[Option 2] That sounds like a lot of work.

[Option 2] You got that right! It’s always easier said than done.

All right, here’s a special treat. I’ll tell you how I met my Pinsir!

Clean those ears out and listen up!

It happened a while back, when I was searching for Berries in the forest for my research.

I came across a Berry I had never seen before. That’s when this guy showed up in front of me.

I’m guessing he wanted to eat the Berry!

Well, from there, it was a conversation between my fists and his horns.

But here’s the thing. See these horns? They’re hard as anything! We weren’t getting anywhere!

So we entered a war of attrition.

See, I knew that Pinsir can’t move as quickly on cold nights.

And just as I planned, Pinsir finally forfeited to me!

And ever since then, we’ve been best buddies!

[Option 1] That was wild!

[Option 1] Nah, just a day in the life of a guy who can let himself stay curious.

[Option 2] Well, you can’t move forward if you’re afraid, ya know?

I want to test what I know, and I want to know what I don’t already know.

But in order to do so, I have to be physically strong.

So what do you think? You feel like you got stronger already, don’t ya?

[Option 1] Uh, I’m not sure about that.

[Option 1] Come on! You’re wasting your life away with that kind of attitude!

[Option 2] Yeah!

[Option 2] Good answer! Ha ha!

[Option 2] Earnest people get strong! They can absorb a lot more that way!

Whether you can use my story to make yourself stronger is all up to you.

But don’t just think about it, because that’s not enough. You have to experience it yourself, too.

If there’s something you want to do, try it. It doesn’t matter if you’re nervous about it or if you’re crummy at it.

Being able to do that is the most important quality you can have!