
A Day with Olivia


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


Did I do something to make you angry, Lycanroc?

If I gave a bad command, I’m sorry...

(Player arrived in the village and looked for the source of the voice.)
(They noticed a Lycanroc turning its back to Olivia as Olivia apologized to it.)

Oh, Player. Hey there.

Well, you saw a bit of an embarrassing scene, didn’t you?

[Option 1] You look like you’re in a bit of a jam.

[Option 1] We finished battling a Trainer, and now Lycanroc doesn’t want to look at me.

[Option 2] Did something happen?

[Option 2] We finished battling a Trainer, and now Lycanroc doesn’t want to look at me.

I don’t have a clue... Did I do something bad?

[Option 1] You can’t think of anything?

[Option 1] No. And Lycanroc is my best partner...

[Option 2] That sounds rough.

[Option 2] It is. Lycanroc is my best partner...

I always make sure she’s in tip-top shape so she can battle whenever, and I make sure to give careful instructions during battle.

I go to sleep holding her tight every night, just like I would with a Stufful plushy.

I thought I treated her well, so I don’t know what could have brought this on.

[Option 1] A plushy?

[Option 1] That’s not that weird, is it?

[Option 2] You sleep with your Lycanroc?

[Option 2] I treat her like my own child!

[Option 2] She’s my pride and joy and can do no wrong!

But to be honest, I think she’s just as cute ignoring me like this, too.

Of course, I wouldn’t like it if she continued to ignore me.

[Option 1] You’re paying her too much attention.

[Option 1] Huh? But we’ve always been together, and we will be from now on, too.

[Option 2] She might want some alone time.

[Option 2] Huh? But we’ve always been together, and we will be from now on, too.

Right, Lycanroc?

... ... ...

No, maybe you’re right, Player.

Maybe she needs her alone time because we’ve spent so much time together.

Maybe that’s what Lycanoc’s been thinking.

Especially since we’ve been a sync pair here on Pasio...

Lycanroc usually attacks strong opponents, throwing caution to the wind. Isn’t that adorable?

But because she’s like that, maybe she hasn’t liked the cautious instructions I’ve been giving.

It’s true that caring for each other is important in any trusting relationship, but...

maybe I should have trusted her more, even if doing so can be a bit reckless.

That, in and of itself, might be another form of trust, after all.

It looks like you’re in a better mood!

Thanks, Player! You taught me that there is more than one way for us to trust one another!

Trust between friends, partners, rivals, family...

People and Pokémon are really interesting, aren’t they? This is why I can never get enough of this!

Lycanroc, let’s use our time on Pasio to build the perfect relationship to make us even stronger!

I trust you with my life. You’re my precious partner, after all!