
A Day with Sygna Suit Brock

Sygna Suit Brock

Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer
Sygna Suit Brock

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


Hey! Perfect timing, Player!

Now, I want an honest answer. Do you think this outfit suits me?

[Option 1] Yeah.

[Option 1] I’m glad to hear you think so, too.

[Option 2] Well, it’s not bad...

[Option 2] Hm. When you say “not bad,” that means that it’s somewhat becoming, right?

I’m rather fond of this suit myself.

But...I also kind of feel it’s a little...too much.

While I do like it, it’s a little embarrassing at the same time.

[Option 1] You look like Tyranitar.

[Option 1] Ah, you noticed, too!

[Option 2] You look like a Pokémon.

[Option 2] Ah, you noticed, too!

Apparently, this sygna suit was designed to give Trainers a stronger connection to their Pokémon.

I’m not familiar with fashion, but some so-called famous designer was very insistent that I wear this suit.

And here’s the weird thing: when I’m wearing this outfit, I feel like I’ve become Tyranitar.

I’ve been training with Tyranitar for a while now. I would trust him with my life.

And before I started wearing this suit, I thought we perfectly understood each other.

But once I put on this outfit...

I feel like I can feel the same things he does. Like I know exactly what he wants me to do with incredible clarity.

At least that’s how it feels.

If I can focus on honing this sensation to perfection, Tyranitar and I should be able to reach new heights!

This sygna suit made me feel the possibility of becoming even closer to my Pokémon.

[Option 1] That suit seems pretty cool.

[Option 1] As a fellow Trainer, I agree.

I want to wear it, too!

[Option 2] As a fellow Trainer, I can understand the sentiment.

Tyranitar is known as the Armor Pokémon.

This sygna suit is my armor! Now, Tyranitar and I can fight even closer than ever!

Listen up, Player!

Now that I have this sygna suit, don’t think we are the same as we were before. We are stronger than you could imagine!