
A Day with Thorton


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(As Player was hiking, they came upon a Bronzong perched in the middle of the path ahead.)

Hmm. According to my data-analyzing machine, this should be the correct path...

[Option 1] Are you OK?

[Option 1] Whoa! Player! Are we in your way?

[Option 2] You’re blocking the way.

[Option 2] Whoa! Player! Sorry. Are we in your way?

My Bronzong and I were just analyzing our battle from yesterday.

[Option 1] Analyzing?

[Option 1] After a battle, I like to use my data-analyzing machine to learn everything I can about my opponent’s Pokémon.

[Option 2] What for?

[Option 2] After a battle, I like to use my data-analyzing machine to learn everything I can about my opponent’s Pokémon.

There’s a vast number of Trainers here on Pasio right now.

Being able to gather so much diverse data all in one place is incredibly useful.

Or at least it should be...

[Option 1] It’s not going well?

[Option 1] Not really... It’s my machine. I keep getting really strange results.

[Option 2] No, they were all really strong! I should have been able to gather some brilliant data from them, but...something’s off.

I’ve had many battles where my machine refuses to analyze my opponents properly or its calculations are way off.

Perhaps my data-analyzing machine is in need of repair...

[Option 1] Pokémon are more than just data, you know.

[Option 1] Not just data...? You mean they can’t be fully expressed with just numbers?

[Option 2] Surprise is what makes a battle.

[Option 2] You make a good point. Sometimes battles simply can’t be analyzed—it’s impossible to codify and predict everything.

That reminds me—I haven’t been able to express you and your Pokémon in numerical values yet, Player.

And my Bronzong here...

I chose to pair up with it because of the protective, metal nature of its body...

but also because it has an air of mystery about it—something that can’t be quantified. It just seemed really interesting.

It surprised me, in a way, to discover such a huge pool of strength that couldn’t be measured by machine analysis alone.

[Option 1] You mean like sync strength?

[Option 1] Precisely! Sometimes the strength of a sync pair—the strength of their bond— can overcome even the strongest opponents!

[Option 2] Like the strength of determination?

[Option 2] Certainly! With enough determination, one can overcome even the strongest opponents!

Wait a minute. That means...

If I can somehow figure out how to enhance my data-analyzing machine so that it can measure things like trust and determination...

perhaps I can become even stronger in Pokémon battles.

Whoa! Whoa! The lightbulb just went off in my brain!

There’s so much to do but so little time to do it! I’m going to be a very, very busy man!

I should thank you, Player! For giving me the brilliant hint that sparked this whole idea!

Come, Bronzong! Let’s go!

First things first! Bronzong and I are going to have to perform some deep self-analysis!