
A Day with Whitney


Story Detail
Chapter Part 0
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Sync Pair Stories
Quest Type Story
Featured Trainer

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


(Player was visiting the ocean with friends.)
(While they were there, they encountered a rambunctious pink object bouncing around.)

[Option 1] But what could it be?

[Option 1] Miltank! Go ahead and Rollout!

[Option 2] Is it...a Pokémon?!

[Option 2] Miltank! Go ahead and Rollout!

(Incredibly, the pink object turned out to be Whitney’s Miltank.)

Sorry if we scared ya! Miltank and I were just playin’ a little.

[Option 1] Is this the time to play?

[Option 1] You don’t have to be so hard on us!

[Option 1] It’s not like we’re playin’ all the time!

[Option 2] Taking a rest sometimes is important.

[Option 2] Yeah, you get it!

[Option 2] Sometimes you gotta let your hair down!

When I’m here, it sure does make me feel relaxed.

Oceans and ranches... That’s what we’re all about, after all.

[Option 1] Things look a little different where I come from, but there’s an ocean right by my hometown of Goldenrod City, too.

[Option 2] What do you mean?

[Option 2] Things look a little different where I come from, but there’s an ocean right by my hometown of Goldenrod City, too.

And Miltank grew up on a ranch. That’s where I first met her.

Thinkin’ about it takes me back to that first time I ever went to visit that ranch.

All of a sudden, Miltank used Rollout and came right at me!

It was like she was tryin’ to test me!

[Option 1] Test you?

[Option 1] Well, I can’t be sure, but I think Miltank was lookin’ for someone to come and take her away from that ranch.

[Option 2] Did she want to battle?

[Option 2] Well, I can’t be sure, but I think Miltank was lookin’ for someone to come and take her away from that ranch.

But not just anyone, so she used that move to see if I was the right Trainer for her.

Although I didn’t know that at the time!

Of course, I dodged her Rollout, but I wondered what in the world was goin’ on!

But then she just kept comin’ at me, bumpin’ into me, sendin’ me flyin’, and I found that determination so adorable.

Before I knew it, Miltank and I were playin’ together all the time.

[Option 1] And the ranch let you take her?

[Option 1] That’s right!

[Option 2] So you stole her?

[Option 2] Hey now! Don’t go spreadin’ rumors about me like that!

An old guy at the ranch told me I could have Miltank.

I mean, he actually was happy to have me take her off his hands!

He said it seemed like Miltank had always wanted to leave the ranch and see the world.

That’s why I try to make sure Miltank does more than just battle. She has to enjoy herself while she’s out seein’ the world, too!

I gotta make her new life better than her life back on the ranch.

I don’t want her to regret leavin’ her home.

[Option 1] I’m sure she doesn’t.

[Option 1] I hope you’re right.

[Option 2] I’m sure she’s happy.

[Option 2] I hope you’re right.

To be honest, I don’t really know what’s best for Miltank.

But I do know that she knows I’m tryin’ to do my best for her.

So I hope she stays with me for a long, long time.

That would be the best! At least, that’s how I feel about it.