
Ghostly Trio: Part  2

Chapter 17

Story Detail
Chapter Part 3
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Main Story
Quest Type Story
Story Difficulty Normal

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


Oh my! I can’t believe we lost. You’re quite the Trainer!

It seems that you all have a better grasp on what it takes to truly battle as a team.

Darn it! We were so close, too!

Aw, this stinks... I know I could have done better!

As long as we understand what we did wrong, that’s enough. Reflecting on our mistakes makes us stronger as people.

I have to thank you, Player. This defeat will make these girls stronger still.

[Option A] Let’s battle again sometime!

[Option A] Yes, let’s!

[Option B] Ghost Pokémon are seriously strong!

[Option B] Ahaha! I appreciate you saying that!

This may seem sudden, but could I ask you for a favor, Player?

I’d like you to let these girls join your team. They need more experience battling.


They could experience many kinds of battles and encounter many kinds of Pokémon with you.

And also meet many new friends. If you’d let them be a part of your team, I’m sure they could do all those things.

But what about you, Agatha?

I need to start from scratch. I’ll sit back and watch the tournament and try to learn more about team battles.

Once I’m satisfied, I’ll make a team again. Who knows—maybe someday I’ll face you in battle.

That’s the spirit. Keep doing your best.

Sorry... I don’t think I’m gonna join.

Oh, you have a problem with my suggestion?

No, it’s not that! I just want to take some time to learn more about team battles, too.

I was thinking I might stick around with you and hopefully pick your brain a bit... What do you think?

Hmmph. I guess I can’t stop you.

Yay! You’re the best, Agatha!

Well then, do me a favor and take good care of Acerola, Player.

[Option A] You got it!

[Option A] That’s what I like to hear. Thanks!

[Option B] Let’s fight hard together!

[Option B] You bet! I’m giving this everything I’ve got!

Ready when you are, Player! See you around soon, Agatha, Phoebe!