
A Newfound Confidence

Chapter 6

Story Detail
Chapter Part 9
XP 0
Coins 0
Single or Co-op Single-Player
Story Type Main Story
Quest Type Story
Story Difficulty Normal

Enemy Sync Pairs

Recommended Pokemon Types
Recommended Pokemon (Auto Populated based on Weaknesses)


First Time Rewards


You beat me! That was a ton of fun, though.

This just proves that the bond you and your Pokémon share really is second to none!

Thanks, Korrina! Thanks, Brendan! Thanks to you guys, I feel more confident.

I think we can get back to focusing on collecting badges now.

Oh? Were you guys collecting badges?

If that’s what you’re up to, I know a PML Leader I can introduce you to!

That’d be great! Thanks!

Hey, can I come with you, too? You seem like a fun team to be around.

Is that OK with you, Player?

[Option A] Of course!

[Option A] Awesome! Now we’ll be able to battle each other whenever we want!

[Option B] Sure! I hope to learn more from you!

[Option B] All right! If you ever want to learn any roller-skating tricks, like my rolling axe-kick, I’m your girl!

Bigger! Stronger! More energy! More fun!

I look forward to our new adventures together!