Super Mario Maker 2 Gets Better After Community Outcry, Doubles Uploadable Levels

  • Number of uploadable levels doubled from 32 to 64 on Super Mario Maker 2

When Super Mario Maker 2 was first released, we covered a story about a pretty large outcry from the community over one specific pain point in the game.

If you're unfamiliar with the title, Super Mario Maker 2 allows you to create Mario-style worlds and upload them for others to play. It's a really cool game for Mario fans because it gives you access to all sorts of tools for the creative-minded thinker in developing new challenges, puts users into the shoes of game developers in terms of crafting fun and exciting levels, and it's packed full of enough nostalgia to fill an oversized green pipeline.

But the major pain point expressed on release was the fact that users were limited in their creative capacities to making only 32 levels to share. While the reasoning for this seemed to be that Nintendo (perhaps) wanted to limit the number of levels uploaded (and stored in perpetuity-forever) to their servers, it was frustrating for players who had more storage space on Super Mario Maker 1 and who desired to share more than 32.

It would appear Nintendo did indeed hear the outcry and respond, as now the new limit is doubled to 64 levels (a great step in the right direction) and that seems to open the doors to the possibility of increasing it further in the future.

Overall, Super Mario Maker 2 is a great game for Nintendo Switch. Be sure to check it out. We'll keep you up to date if anything else develops!


Musician, Author, World-Traveler, Pet-Enthusiast, Still probably has a level 70 Fire Mage in WoW, and writer for GamePress. What else is there to know?
