Nimbus 2000
Produced by the Nimbus Racing Broom Company, the Nimbus 2000 was the fastest competitive broomstick on the market when released. That lasted only a short time, as the broom's speed was surpassed by the Nimbus 2001 the following year.

Registry Information

Rarity3 out of 16
First Time XP250
Returned ToHogwarts Quidditch Pitch

Where to Obtain

Trace Encounter
Borgin and Burkes Portkey

Registry Page Location

Spell Associated with Foundable

Base Win Rate: 12%

Fragment Prestige Requirements

Completing (Prestiging) the registry page this foundable is located at will upgrade this page's frame and reward you more Family XP for each Foundable returned. The collectibles on that page will reset.

Frame Fragments XP
Standard 8 25
Bronze 24 50
Silver 36 100
Gold 43 150

Encounters that Drop Foundable

Total Encounters1

Magical Games and Sports Nimbus 2000

Threat Level

An ice Confoundable has trapped a Nimbus 2000.