
Nansei Third Arrow: Party of Four Immersed in Writing Cheap Novels (2/3)

AP Cost 5
Bond Points 765
QP 7,900
Quest EXP 25,815
Quest Type Event

Quest Overview

  • Master must deploy NPC Kyokutei Bakin as part of the starting lineup.
  • NPC Kyokutei Bakin has the following effects:
    • Shackles of Missing Dog Warriors: NP Sealed [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • Increase Critical Star Gather Rate by 500% [Permanent, Unremovable].
    • Gain 15 Critical Stars Every Turn [Permanent, Unremovable].
  • At the start of each wave, increase all enemies' Defense by 30% (3 turns). 
  • NPC Kyokutei Bakin: Lv90 NP3 8/8/8; CE Lv20 Military Fortress.

Enemy Details

Part 1
Guest Servant: Kyokutei Bakin
Battle 1/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
22,917 50
26,506 40
23,388 51
Battle 2/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
29,530 45
26,212 35
30,167 46
Fatal Battle 3/3
Enemies Class HP Lvl
36,907 44
90,811 44
90,811 44

Quest Drops

Arrowhead of Malice x1 100.0%
Chewing Rope x2 400.0%
Chewing Rope x3 200.0%

Quest Reward