
Rabbit's Reviews #324: Charlemagne (5* Saber)

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Rabbit's Reviews Charlemagne
NA Release Date: 05/13/2024

Wait, didn’t we already get this Servant?

Charlemagne is our second AoE Quick Saber at the SSR level. Not only does he share a card typing with Summer Majin Saber, he also shares… almost everything else. Their NP refund versus a single target is within a tenth of a percent of each other. They have similar damage output and identical batteries. Both have a hit-based invuln. They are truly bafflingly similar. Charlemagne has better damage in CQs and can protect an ally in a fight, while Majin Saber is a better farmer, has better cards, removes defensive buffs, and is generally easier to use. These are all pretty marginal differences, though, and if you’ve used one you know what the other does.

As such, the same things that I said about Majin Saber apply to Charlie: he’s a loop-enabled Quick Servant with a lot of strong tools and nothing really to complain about. Arts and Buster options (of which there are myriad) are going to well outperform him, though, at least until Quick gets a fancy new support. Furthermore, since Majin Saber dropped, Caren got an interlude, which widens the gap between what Majin Saber and Charlie bring and the top-end of what Quick can currently do.

If you haven’t already invested in a top-notch Quick AoE in advance of a new support, Charlie’s not a bad choice. He has great loop specs, solid damage, and some utility. Between Majin Saber, Molay, and post-buff Caren, though, there have been plenty of opportunities to do so in the past year, which raises the question of who Charlie is for. He’s a good Servant, no doubt, and if you don’t like any of the other options, you can go for this one. From a power-gaming standpoint, though, you probably already have a Quick Servant you favor, and if you don’t, you’re better off waiting for Caren—she’s just a lot better at this point.

Servant Data
Magic Resistance A

Increase your Debuff Resist by 20%.

Riding A

Increase your Quick Card effectiveness by 10%.

Card Hits 4 3 5 5 12
Per Hit 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48%
NP per Hit (%) 0.48%
NP when Attacked (%) 3%
Star Absorption 102
Star Generation per Hit 10.0%
Material Requirements
Servant Skills
Noble Phantasm
Usage Tips
Grail Potential

Charlie is really good. He has great refund, solid-to-great damage, and a bit of utility. He’s a conventionally powerful Quick looper—something that used to be a rarity but isn’t really anymore. Ultimately there’s not much to complain about here, except that we’ve seen this before, and Quick is still behind the curve. At the point Quick gets a new top-tier support, Charlie will probably be excellent, so if you didn’t already invest in Majin Saber he’s not a bad pull. That said, Caren especially is better and Charlie doesn’t do anything particularly notable that others don’t also do, so if you have the role filled already or want to wait for the best-in-class option, there’s no pressing need to pull for him.

Rabbit's Arbitrary Ratings

Overall: 9/10
Single-Target DPS: 5/10
AoE DPS: 9/10
Survivability: 4/10
Offensive Utility: 4/10
Defensive Utility: 4/10
Farming Usefulness: 7/10
Paladins: 12/12

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