AX2018 KLab Industry Panel: Utano☆Princesama: Shining Live

Utano☆Princesama: Shining Live

Utano☆Princesama: Shining Live: if you guys don't know about this, you should know about it. It is available for download for free. The newest addition to the KLab family, going straight from waifus to husbandos in this presentation. Something for everyone!

If you have stopped by the booth, we've got an amazing, amazing Shining Live the whole week. You actually play this on a big touchscreen. Is it is harder? It's harder. Because we're used to the rhythm games with our hands, especially the double taps.

Year in Review

Yes. Shining live. There is a little bit of news in here for you. But first we are going to talk about the Year in Review. It started with the Countdown Live. This was huge. So many train stations in Japan. Train stations are integral part, if you don't know everyone's riding the train. We put posters, giant posters, huge, all around Japan. Then we did a countdown live. That was cool. But what this ties into is when we did the Global Version. Yeah. Alex, Was this your idea?

We gave away some of the posters we have up on the stations, not the exact same models.

I'm glad that we got to do this, very impressive. Yeah. The game came out on the January 24th. Then we had the Valentine's Day pinup. Right. This was cool, great. Presents for white day, you get these chocolates. Did anyone get all the chocolates there?

No, they’re stickers.

Oh stickers, chocolate stickers. This is true, look at it. They all look delicious.

Summer Beach Show

Summer is here. I don't know if you guys notice that these guys have been available and the SR pull is up, but this is the first time that they're in global and they actually did this for Anime Expo.

Let's bring it back. cuz we missed out on it. Yes. It was out in Japan before the global version was out. So yeah, this is going on right now. This is just the start of the fun. Summer Fun. But yeah, we're just going to show you the beautiful, beautiful boys.

(Editor's Notes: The MCs spent the next minutes making suggestive comments about the boys. We'll omit here, watch at your own discretion)

Announcement: Free Trip to Japan Contest!

klab games

The first day, we're talking about that hasn't happened yet.

Boom, how many of you guys know what's coming up this year for the entire series. It is the Eighth Anniversary Event, Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment, an amazing, amazing event. We're having a special contest: you can win a free trip to Japan. Yes we're going to fly you to the event, and that’s not all. You get a free invitation to Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment.

What is Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment?

I think it's a winter and anniversary event. It's gonna be any good. This is how you enter, it hasn't started yet.

You guys are probably the first people in the universe to hear about this (except KLab or Broccoli). The grand prize details are you want a free trip to Japan to attend the Eighth Anniversary Event there'll be a hotel plane ticket and transportation to the airport and you will get to hang out with us a little bit.

(Alex) You'll probably primarily be hanging out with me, I'm sorry. If you like karaoke, we also have a special surprise regarding karaoke, but we can’t say anything about that. Keep that in our hearts, I know something special.

That's a grand prize, so the actual event itself is on its on Saturday and Sunday, September 8 and 9th in Sunshine City, Ikebukuro. It's a huge and amazing place, the place for utome lovers right now. Yeah, it is. It is hot.  Nothing but love for Ikebu. There is no entrance fee and its entry by a lottery only. So it's very hard to get in. But if you win this contest, then you get to go. Guaranteed!

Exclusive from Anime Expo

As part of the Utano☆Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment Eight Anniversary Event, KLabGames is sending two lucky Global fans to an all expense paid trip* to Japan!

Campaign Details

Campaign Period: to be announced tihs month!

Grand Price Details: Free Trip to Japan to attend the Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment event!

*Hotel, plane ticket, and transportation from the airport to the hotel will be covered by KLabGames. Other transportation costs and food costs will not be covered.

Grand Prize

Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment Anniversary Event

Time: September 8th (Sat) to September 9th (Sun)
Place: Sunshine City, Ikebukuro

No Entrance fee. Entry by lottery only. (grand prize winner gets in automatically)

How to Enter

  1. Put the hashtag #Utapri8thGO in your player details and write where you are from. Go to "Other" > "Player Details" and tap the pencil mark to edit the text area.
  2. Rank in the top 30% in the event that we specify. (TBA)
  3. Read and agree to the following the Term and Conditions. This is extremely important! When you complete all 3 actions above, you will be entered into the drawing.

Note The contest is not yet live!

Trip Schedule

September 6th (THU) to September 10th (MON)

  • 9/6 Thu Arrive in Tokyo
  • 9/7 Fri Free Day
  • 9/8 Sat Go to Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment!
  • 9/9 Go around Otome Road in Ikebukuro and check out Akihabara
  • 9/10 Mon Fly Home

Get Free Merch!

In addition to the grand prize free trip to Japan, we will select 15 lucky people who rank in teh top 30% of the specified event to receive merch related to Utano Princesama SETSUGETSUKA Eternal Moment!

There are also a runner up prizes too. Of course not everyone can go to spam but a 15 lucky people who ranked in the top 30% will also receive merch related to the eighth anniversary event so it should be very very cool. We are excited about this content contest and we are happy that we were able to tell you guys first

This is a screenshot of how to enter, don't do it yet, it’s too soon:

I mean, you can do it and just leaving it, but the event hasn't been announced yet. We have it in a heartbeat, just can’t say it. We’ll say it beforehand. We will know and everyone knows, but just get ready to be in the top 30%.

Part 6: BLEACH Brave Souls
Transcript has been edited for readability